Instructional Seminars

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


Instructional Seminars are an exciting way to broaden your middle school experience and are open to everyone.  Students are able to participate in any two Instructional Seminars at a time.*  When instruction is virtual, schedules for Instructional Seminars are designed so that meetings do not occur during Content Class Synchronous meets.  When instruction is housed in the school building, Instruction Seminars are scheduled during regularly scheduled class periods.  These class periods, during which students attend, rotate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and during the school day so students do not miss more than two classes per period per quarter.  Click below to get a more in-depth picture of each instructional seminar.  Be sure sign up for GT Instruction Seminars with Mr. D'Antuono by filling out the FQMS GT Instruction Seminar Interest Form to participate in one or more of the Instructional Seminar offerings.  Who knows, you may just find the passion for your life's work!

*Book Club and Math & Logic meet monthly and may be a third Instructional Seminar for students. 

You must be signed into your FQMS Student Google Suite Account when you click on the link below to sign up for Instructional Seminars. 

 More information and seminars are included on the sign up form. 

FQMS GT Book Club

"The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries."

-Rene Descartes 

For The Love of Reading

Book Club is for avid readers who share a love of books and enjoy thought provoking discussions about those books.  Students will read one book each month and have the opportunity to discuss the book with others in class.  Students will also have the opportunity to further these discussions at the Howard County Public Library Branches with students from other middle schools. 

FQMS GT Debate

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next."

-Abraham Lincoln 

The sport of argument!

This seminar will work on your power of persuasion.  If you are a good listener, fast on your feet with reasons why, and a great team player then debate is for you.  Students teams research current topics, create cases supporting or opposing these topics, and debate against one another.  Students work to learn how to validate a position on a topic, defend this position from criticism, all while building a case against the opposing position.  

FQMS GT Writers Guild/Workshop

"It's none of their business that you have to learn to write.  Let them think you were born that way." -Ernest Hemingway

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare 

Let my ideas flow.

The Writers Guild offers opportunities for talented, motivated writers to excel and to develop their unique voices, and it is a wonderful opportunity to become part of a community of writers who are on a shared journey of exploration and improvement. Writers Workshop is an introduction and extension to the 7th Grade Writers Guild.  These 6th grade and 8th grade groups work on creative writing pieces that will enhance their overall writing repertoire.  

FQMS GT Falcon Watch TV

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

-Mahatma Gandhi 

Working on the Falcon Watch TV News Crew requires dedication and commitment.   This student team provides an important service to the school.  Being punctual and professional is expected for all positions. Daily crews need to be in the studio at their assigned times.  You will have a rotating assignment, depending on how many students apply.  Crew meetings will be held on a regular basis so that we can continually improve. 

FQMS GT Photojournalism

"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words."

-Ansel Adams 

A little more to it than, "Say Cheese"!

A photographer takes pictures.  A journalist tells a story.  In this seminar you will learn to combine both of these skills and learn to express yourself through the visual and written worlds. Photojournalists will work to capture significant moments in Folly Quarter Middle School and in their own personal lives.

FQMS GT Film Production

"I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope that they were entertained."

-Walt Disney 

Lights, camera, action!

Film Production is dedicated to teaching students the art of film making.  We will be following the American Film Institute Screen Education process.  Students have the opportunity to develop and create personal films and school films to prepare themselves for the completion of a movie-that-matters film that can be used to help educate peers. 

FQMS GT Philosophy

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it."


6th Grade Mytholosophy

Mythological Philosophy blends the two worlds of Mythology and Philosophy.  Greek, Roman, Norse and other myths and their origins are considered while delving into philosophical questions about our own world and modern living. 

7th Grade Mythological Philosophy

As student progress with their love of Myths to the deeper side of Philosophy, this transitional year continues to include Mythology with more in-depth Philosophical discussion. 

8th Grade Philosophy

Philosophy is intended to foster the sense of wonder and to aim it in many directions.  The Greeks coined the word philosophy and it means “love of wisdom.”  A philosopher is not necessarily wise, but a philosopher wants to become wiser about themselves, the people around them, and the world they live in.   We discuss philosophical questions such as, “Should you ever tell a lie?” or “Is it your duty to give to charity?” or “Do we control technology or does it control us?” and many more.  

FQMS GT Math & Logic

"If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics."

-Galileo Galilei 

Into Problem Solving?

Folly Quarter students who love an extra math challenge are invited to join this math extensions seminar.  Students will have the opportunity to compete in the Math Olympiads on a monthly basis. 

Folly Quarter is excited to share that its Math Olympiad Team won the "Highest Team Achievement" award for the 2015-2022 school years!

FQMS GT Engineering

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

-Henry Ford

Challenging tasks, great minds. 

Explore the engineering process as you create your own business concept complete with an environmentally sustainable work space, challenge yourself with complex paper competitions, build model cities and more!


Leaders for Environmental Awareness and Protection

"A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children."

-John James Audobon 

Environmental Studies

The FQMS L.E.A.P. Team students help maintain the beauty of our school building and grounds.  Students are responsible for promoting existing “green” efforts at Folly Quarter, while working on new initiatives that will enhance the environmental consciousness of our school and community. 

African American History

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Just one voice can change a community, including yours! 

There is power in the spoken word. So, come ready to interact as we explore some of the most powerful speeches in American history as we look to our past to build hope for our future. This seminar is designed to integrate African American History with the history, development, and practice of oratory and declamation. Through participation in this seminar, you will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of the African American experience through the use of primary documents and speeches. You will also utilize research skills to investigate the various historical time periods in order to understand the global perspective and influences of the time period. Throughout the seminar, you will develop your public speaking skills through participation in seminar activities and the delivery of historical speeches. 

TED ED Talks

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."

-Ella Fitzgerald

Passion empowered!

Have you seen a TED? Do you have a great idea you want to share? Is there a topic you are passionate about and want to talk about it? The TED-Ed Talks seminar allows you the opportunity to research a topic and design a short informational or persuasive "talk" and help expose your audience to an issue that they may not otherwise know much about. In this seminar, you will focus on communicating your ideas and developing your public-speaking skills. 

National History Day

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."

-Mahatma Gandhi

Now offered only in 8th Grade GT Social Studies.

Welcome to a truly inspirational academic opportunity that will allow you to conduct authentic research on a historical topic of your choice: National History Day - or NHD for short. Students who participate in NHD build many crucial skills, including conducting historical research utilizing primary and secondary sources; critical thinking; developing an annotated bibliography; communication and public speaking; time management and much more. NHD will take you on a historical adventure on which you will learn about the past and about yourself. This year's NHD theme is "Communication in History: The Key to Understanding." Please note that this seminar requires a significant amount of outside work in addition to seminar times. 


"Earn your leadership everyday."

-Michael Jordan

Bring out and develop your leadership potential.

Take time to learn about your leadership style while better developing leadership strategies that will help you in life.

FQMS GT Programming

"The ones that are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do."

-Steve Jobs 

An electronic playground! 

Computer Programming!  Students work with Java Script, Python, C++ and more. Beginners work to understand languages and syntax similarities and differences.  Advanced coders work together to develop projects such as games, programs, etc.

Create Your Own FQMS GT, What's Next?

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."

-George Washington Carver 

Got your own great idea?

If you or a group of you and your friends has an idea for an Instructional Seminar, please speak with Mr. D'Antuono to see if it is possible to begin a new course.