Class Policies & Expectations

Policy on Gum, Food in Class, Cell Phone Use & Backpacks

* Gum chewing will be allowed in my classes if the privilege is not abused. Once I find gum under the desk, on the floor, or any other inappropriate place (aside from mouth or trash can), the class will no longer be allowed to chew gum in classroom.

* Food is not permitted in class unless the student has a condition in his/her IEP that it is necessary for special health reasons, or if we are having a class or Team Honor celebration.

*Cell phones are to remain in student locker during school day, unless it is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) day, then students have permission to use their device to help with the lesson.

* Book bags are not to be taken into any classrooms. Students will get what they need at locker breaks and leave their backpacks in their lockers until they leave in the afternoon. The lockers are quite small, so large book bags (especially the kind with wheels will not fit in the locker and may not be kept in the classroom.)

Class Expectations (The 3 "Rs") :

> BE READY - Be in your seat on time with all materials needed for class/the day's lesson.

> BE RESPECTFUL - Treat peers as you would like to be treated and your teachers as the caring authorities that they are. Raise your hand to ask/answer questions and do not interrupt others who are speaking. Keep your hands to yourself and don't bother another's belongings!

> BE RESPONSIBLE - Remain in your seat during class time unless you have specific permission by teacher to move. Complete all classwork in a timely manner, and compete all homework assignments by the due date.


**I prefer using positive encouragement to deal with misbehavior. However, if I do have to use consequences, the steps are:

1) Non-Verbal warning by teacher using yellow card = no consequence, only a warning

2) If warning is ignored, a Non-Verbal notice is given by teacher using a red card = loss of a class privilege or reward.

3) Continued misbehavior = assignment of a lunch detention or may be sent to the Refocus room for a few minutes (if this is the best course of action). Student will be required to call home from the ISS/Refocus room and explain why sent out of class to parent/guardian.

4) After 3 consecutive Refocus referrals or for any serious misbehavior such as bullying, fighting, theft,etc. = automatic office referral to the administration.