Additional In-Home Services

Home Health | Hospice | Caregivers | Outpatient Physical Therapy

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Office: 847.960.3300

Office: 815.585.4128

Fax: 773.304.4445


Are you looking for Caregiver and Home Health Care services in Illinois?

We thank you for stopping by to learn more about the services that we provide here at Healthcare Plus Private Care. We invite you to learn more about our commitment to private care and how we help our clients live fulfilling lives.

Healthcare Plus Private Care is an in-home services agency providing non-medical private duty care servicing the areas of Chicago and surrounding suburbs including 12 contiguous counties of Illinois.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the greatest positive effect on the quality of life to our clients and their families through compassionate personal care, empowerment, companionship and other non-medical home care services.

Our values are rooted in the belief that compassion comes from not only helping others, but also by acknowledging our responsibility and kinship with those we serve.

Our Commitment

At Healthcare Plus Private Care, our highest priority is to provide the best care that you deserve.

We begin by doing a free in-home consultation with you and your family to allow us to tailor a care plan based on understanding your situation, your needs, and expectations. This plays an important role in effectively forming a good working relationship between client and caregiver.

After we carefully choose the best caregiver whose qualifications best suit your needs, we give you an opportunity to participate in the selection process. We will personally introduce the caregiver to you for your interview to ensure that you will select the caregiver you prefer.

Once services start, our homecare specialist will conduct a periodic quality assurance visit and make follow up calls from time to time to ensure that you are receiving exceptional care and will make recommendations as your needs change over time.