Screencast Presentations

Students receive Personal Project lessons in their Directed Studies classes throughout the sophomore year. However, all information will be available on this website and on ManageBac so that you can access the information needed to complete a project.  All supervisor meetings can be completed in person during Directed Studies time.  All work is uploaded on your ManageBac Personal Project worksheet.  

Criterion C Directed Studies Sessions: 

These will be updated as we move through the year. Ones in RED will be current.

3/20/24 The date for Signal Showcase is Tuesday, April 2 6:00-7:30pm. Sophomores will present their final products on this day. Use this link to sign up for your time slot: 

3/6/24 Meeting #3 with supervisor

2/28/24 Rough Draft for Criterion A-C

2/21/24 Criterion C/strand ii

2/14/24 Criterion C/strand i

Criterion B Directed Studies Sessions: 

1/31/24 Criterion B--Meeting #2 with supervisor

1/24/24 Criterion B/Strand ii Rough Draft Criterion A-B

1/17/24 (no school--snow day)

1/10/24 Review Criterion A and B/strand i Slides/Screencast/Checklist

12/6/23 Criterion B: work day

11/29/23 Criterion B: work day--Preview Criterion B

Criterion A Directed Studies Sessions: 

11/15/23 Meeting #1 with supervisor

11/1/23 Rough Draft Criterion A Slides/Template

10/25/23 Session 4: Criterion A/strand iii: Slides/Screencast/Action Plan Template

10/4/23 Session 2: Criterion A/strand i: Slides/Screencast/iSmart goals 

Criterion B Sessions

DUE February 8, 2023: Checklist

12/8/22 Session 5 Criterion B strand i: Screencast/Slideshow/ATL skills list

1/11/23  Session 5-Pt. 2 Criterion B strand i: Screencast/Slideshow/ATL skills list

1/18/23 Session 6 Criterion B strand ii: Screencast/Slideshow/ ATL skills list

2/8/23 Mini Lesson Criterion B Report: Slideshow 

Criterion C Sessions

Checklist: DUE 03/10/23

1/15/23 Session 7: Screencast/Slideshow

1/26/22 Session 8: Screencast/Slideshow

2/2/22 Mini Lesson: Final Rough Draft: Slideshow/Scoring rubric 

2/16/22 Mini Lesson: Final Report: Slideshow/Final project checklist 

3/23/22 Session 9: Screencast/Slideshow

Personal Project Screencast Channel