Tech Support

We use important technology tools to help you learn English. This page has videos and instructions for the tools our school uses. If you are having any trouble, please talk to your teacher or your advisor! We are all here to help.

Do you need a computer or help getting internet, so you can study? HCC can help! 

Contact your advisor for more information.

Zoom for video classes

Installing Zoom on your iPhone / iPad

Installing Zoom on your computer

How to update Zoom.pdf

How to update Zoom on your computer

HCC email

Setting up your HCC email (for the first time)

Logging into HCC email (after the first time)

Changing your HCC password

How to reset your HCC password

How to Find and Use Canvas

In many classes, your English teacher and advisor will use Canvas to give you assignments. 

To find Canvas, go to Next, click on myHCC and select Canvas from the list.  

The video below will introduce you to Canvas, and show you how to find and use Canvas. There is also a guide with screenshots to help you navigate and use Canvas. 

Video Introduction and Guide to Canvas

HCC Student Orientationt to Canvas