Home Accessibility & Enabling Technology Pilot Project

This pilot project is managed by the Statewide Independent Living Council of Alaska (SILC) and funded by the Alaska Mental Health Trust and the Mat-Su Health Foundations.

The Project aims to find out how home accessibility modifications and enabling technologies may impact participants’ lives by:

  • Increasing independence and self-esteem
  • Improving satisfaction and quality of life
  • Becoming more active and integrated in the community
  • Improving health and/or safety
  • Helping to achieve personal goals

Project Categories

There are four categories that a participant may access during the Pilot. An individual may choose from any of the following categories, depending upon his/her own goals.

1. Home Accessibility

2. Assistive Technology

3. Home Telehealth Monitoring

4. Medication Management

To complete an application to participate in the pilot project, select Apply Now from the menu.