Economics/US Government Course Syllabus

Classroom Rules & Requirements

Classroom Rules

1. The course requires a high degree of student participation in listening, discussions, presentations, and projects. To do this successfully regular attendance is necessary. Class begins at the bell and ends on my dismissal.

2. Poor attendance and truancies will affect your grade and could cause your removal from the class. Protect yourself with good attendance.

3. Respect those around you. This includes teacher, classmates, substitutes, guest speakers, and visitors. While it is true the U.S. Constitution guarantees you certain rights, it does so only as long as you do not infringe upon the rights of others. Treat others the same way you want to be treated.


1. The primary method of communicating assignments will be through and the Canvas LMS.

2. Alternate online locations may be utilized in addition to Canvas.

Grading Policy

1. A point system is used in determining your grade. It will incorporate homework, quizzes, exams, online discussions, presentations, projects, and class participation.

2. The grade scale being used is the traditional scale:

90%- up = A

80-89.99% = B

70-79.99% = C

60-69.99% = D

59.99-0% = F

3. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will be dealt with seriously. Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations, plagiarism, and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill, which he or she does not possess. The school policies regarding academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.


1. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and is due the day after it is assigned. All homework is to be handwritten unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

2. Homework will be submitted as a PDF file to the appropriate Canvas assignment.

Unit Exams

1. Unit exams will occur approximately every two or three weeks.

2. In the event of an absence you will have a week to arrange to make-up an exam. Make-ups must be taken on your time, not during class. If you miss an exam, and all five make-up dates, you will get a 0 (Zero). Do not put off a make-up until the last day!


1. Periodic pop quizzes will occur on the assigned textbook, supplemental readings, and lectures.

2. There are no make-up dates for missed pop quizzes.

Projects & Assignments

1. As part of an ongoing attempt to have you experience American Government we will have several projects and in-class assignments throughout the semester.

2. These projects may be either of the individual or group nature.

3. Students will be graded on their participation in the group and the overall work produced for the assignment.

Extra Credit

1. Extra credit is available and it will not exceed 5% of the total points possible for the semester.

2. Extra credit is not graded until the end of the semester.

3. I will try to provide you with plenty of warning regarding extra credit opportunities. However, it is not always possible to provide the exact date and times of some of these opportunities. Therefore, it is suggested that you consult Canvas and the class website for updates.

4. Students with one or more truancies to class will be ineligible for extra credit.

Current Events

1. As an aspect of U.S. Government we will be utilizing current events to illustrate the topics discussed in class.

2. Each student is required to respond to current event topics as assigned.

Does this sound forbidding and scary? Please do not be scared. I am not a cold or callous person. If you have an emergency, problem, or other serious situation you need to keep me informed. Together we can figure out how to handle the problem. Take advantage of TUTORIAL! When questions arise do not hesitate to contact me. I may be reached by e-mail at or by phone at (714) 962-1356 x 55101.