(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Pansexual)

General Guide Lines For Life

Determining Someone's Gender: It is essential that gender can only be determined accurately from self-report of the person in question. Do not assume anyone's gender even if their gender expression may lean towards what is considered masculine or feminine. Do not be afraid to ask for someone's pronouns. I encourage you to incorporate they/them pronouns into your everyday vocabulary. Though if a nonbinary person does not use they/them pronouns please do not refer to that person with they/them pronouns and think it is okay.

Misgendering: If you ignore the above it could lead to misgendering. If you are aware of someone's pronouns and you misgender them by-accident you must actively work towards thinking before you speak. Make sure to quickly and effectively correct yourself and apologize(do not make it about you, do not come up with an excuse, do not make the person you misgendered even more uncomfortable by going on and on). Lastly, make sure to correct people around you, it may seem like an awkward situation but in the long run, it is extremely important for the acceptance and inclusion of anyone who identifies as nonbinary. Though, whether you misgender someone on purpose or by accident you are potentially causing detrimental effects to that person's mental health that could lead to depression, suicidal thoughts/actions, and hospitalization.

Gender Expression vs Gender Identity: A crucial part of understanding gender in this day and age is knowing the difference between gender expression and gender identity. Gender Identity is a person's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth. Gender expression is how a person chooses to appear to display their gender, which can be any array or combination of masculine and feminine components. It must not be assumed that a person's gender expression has a direct correlation to that person's gender identity based on traits under a binary view to be traditionally masculine or feminine.

Masculine and Feminine Descriptors: Moving forward attach any aspects of life or traits to masculine or feminine instead of attaching everything to a gender. Although it is thought that masculine and feminine are automatically associated with specific genders we must work towards breaking that construct.

Nonbinary terms: Two-spirit, agender, gender fluid, genderqueer, gender-nonconforming, third sex.

For more information:

Commonly used pronouns for folx who identify as gender-nonconforming: 'they', 'their' and 'them' is common; and ze, sie, xe, zie(pronounced zee), hir(pronounced here), xem(pronounced zem), xyr and xir(pronounced zeer), co, and hy are used as well.