

2D running platformer game developed in Unity. Follow Kaia, a young and complex hacker as she enters the Metaverse to discover the ones responsible for the recent disappearances of kids her age happening in the digital world. Vectors created in Adobe Illustrator, and the animations along with their individual sprite sheets were produced in Adobe After Effects.

Mac and PC links coming soon.

12 – Final Pass.mp4

The Kuleana Club

2D animation for The Kuleana Club, a mocktail bar concept that provides an entertaining space for folks to relax and enjoy themselves in a social setting without the pressures of alcohol. Vectors were created in Adobe Illustrator and the animation was handled in Adobe After Effects. Sound is available.


Pinball! at the Disco

Combination of vectors created in Adobe Illustrator and editing in Adobe After Effects helped to create this colorful, 70s-inspired 2D animation that explores fundamental industry principles with a simple ball.


Kanikapila + Chill

2D looping animated background for an ambient playlist for studying, relaxing, gaming, etc. Assets are hand-drawn, and either digitally painted or vectorized in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Animation and editing was done in Adobe After Effects.

* Project in-progress

Sinister Yogis

Style frames designed in Adobe Photoshop for a horror film concept that takes place in and around a yoga studio.

Scoville – Character Concept

Seasoning robot whose main function is to disperse hot sauces on to a dish of your choice. Its body constantly generates a moderate level of spice and will adjust based on the preference information given to it. It regularly expels steam from multiple grills, so exercise caution when approaching. A sauce's heat (SHU) rating is displayed on the exterior of its arm cannon. Its orange chest core helps regulate its body temperate, as to not overheat. If this happens, Scoville becomes temporarily incapacitated. Handled in Procreate.


Pre-production visuals for the short film "Daydream," created by the 2023 cohort of KCC's New Media Arts program. These assets include storyboards and building concepts that made the final cut.

* Project in-progress


Animated sequences created in Adobe Photoshop by tracing over live-action footage frame by frame.


Kaia – Character Concept

Character design for Kaia Hansen, a rowdy and rebellious teenager from a distant galaxy who plans to use her hyper-skates to explore the depths of space. She is fascinated with organic matter and trained in self-defense. Handled in Adobe Photoshop.

Environment Concept

Mines of Moria-inspired landscape design painted in Adobe Photoshop.

Figure Drawing

Exploration of sketching the human figure from live models. Emphasis on the body's musculature, relative scale and postures. The mediums used are conte crayon and charcoal.


Painting Value

Exploration of design principles using acrylic paint. The original photograph was simplified into basic shapes and then recreated using a value scale for our three primary colors.

Digital Photography

Images captured with a Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR.