Topological and analytic methods in group theory.
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI
July 14-27, 2024
From July 14-27, 2024, the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa will host a two week workshop for graduate students focused on Topological and analytic methods in group theory. The workshop will be geared towards Ph.D. students interested in developing their knowledge in their existing thesis area or branching out to a new research area. Travel and housing support is available for participants through the National Science Foundation award number DMS-2240136, by means of a stipend.
Dr. Masato Mimura(Tohoku University)
Dr. Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (University of California, San Diego)
Dr. Marco Linton(University of Oxford)
Dr. Hyungryul Baik (KAIST)
Dr. Ashlee Keolalaulani Kalauli (Hawai`i Community College)
Student talks:
Ekaterina Rybak (Vanderbilt)
Santiago Radi Severo (Texas A&M)
Schedule, titles and abstracts in the link below:
To apply, please fill out the following form by March 15. We will select and inform participants by March 31.
More Information:
Options for accommodation: The East-West center at UH Manoa. Some recommended hotels in the area include Kaimana Beach Hotel , Queen Kapiolani hotel, Renaissance Residence Oahu Honolulu and the Kuhio Banyan hotel.
Please email Dr. Yash Lodha ( for more information.