Pertinent Policies, Plans, and Systems-building Initiatives

Hawaiʻi Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan

During the 2016 Hawai‘i Legislative Session, HCR 66 was passed, which called upon the Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Taskforce (PSHTF) to form a temporary sub-committee to craft a statewide strategic plan to reduce suicide deaths and attempts in Hawai‘i at least 25% by the year 2025. The PSHTF convened this sub-committee (8/2016-12/2017), and the final plan was presented back to the Legislature in December 2017 during an informational briefing. Contact Jeanelle Sugimoto-Matsuda ( for more information. 

Hawai‘i Injury Prevention Plan (HIPP)

Available for download at: 

The Hawai‘i Injury Prevention Plan (HIPP) is a collaborative effort of the Injury Prevention Advisory Committee (IPAC) and the Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention System Branch (EMSIPSB) of the Department of Health. The HIPP’s goals are to: 1) provide an overall plan for reducing injuries statewide; 2) provide direction and focus to IPCP's efforts in the next five years; 3) provide guidance to other organizations and agencies involved in injury prevention; and 4) serve as a catalyst for organizations and agencies to collaborate on reducing/preventing injuries. The latest iteration of the HIPP (2012-2017) includes a section focused on suicide prevention, with goals including: 1) develop and implement prevention training for “gatekeepers”; 2) launch a public awareness campaign; and 3) develop and promote effective clinical & professional practices & policies. 

Hawai‘i State Legislature, Act 270 of 2019 Session 

Act 270 was passed during the 2019 Legislative Session, and is now §302A-856 of the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes. Act 270 requires all teachers, administrators, and counselors within Hawai‘i public and charter schools to receive annual suicide prevention. It also requires schools to have a risk-referral protocol in place, in the event that a student needs support. The Taskforce is collaborating with the Hawai‘i State Department of Education to implement these activities.

Hawai‛i State Legislature, General Appropriations Act of 2007 (Act 213)

Act 213 requires the Department of Health to establish and implement a suicide early intervention and prevention program and prepare and submit a detailed report to include expenditures and all activities performed. As a result, $100,000 is appropriated to the Department of Health annually, a permanent “Suicide Prevention Coordinator” position is placed within the Injury Prevention and Control Section, and ongoing trainings (e.g., safeTALK, ASIST, Connect), speaking engagements, project support, and conferences are implemented.

Resources for Safe Messaging

Safe messaging is paramount to any prevention, intervention, or post-vention activities in suicide prevention. We must be especially mindful of messaging guidelines in trainings and social/news media.