Local Organizations and Collaborations

Statewide Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Taskforce (PSHTF)

Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Taskforce (PSHTF) – Island Taskforces


DOD/Military Partnerships

Collaboration with our military partners has grown exponentially. There is now a Joint Military Suicide Prevention Taskforce (JMSPTF), which facilitates cross-branch communication and collaboration.

Below is information for suicide prevention activities in individual branches/services:

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) – Hawaiʻi Chapter

Main contacts:

AFSP is the nation’s leading organization bringing together people across communities and backgrounds to understand and prevent suicide, and to help heal the pain it causes. A small group of board members and volunteers have established a formal Chapter in Hawai‘i. AFSP’s major activities include the Out of the Darkness Community Walks, International Survivors of Suicide Loss events, Hike for Hope, and other trainings and awareness activities to increase community knowledge and capacity around suicide prevention.

Hawai‘i State Department of Health (DOH)

DOH is the state-designated “lead agency” for suicide prevention activities. The following sections of DOH relate to mental health and/or suicide prevention:

“A Place in the Middle” – a strength-based approach to gender diversity and inclusion

Directed and produced by Emmy Award-winners Dean Hamer and Joe Wilson, “A Place in the Middle” brings an enlightened Hawaiian perspective to efforts to create welcoming and inclusive schools and communities for children of all ages. This 25-minute film, adapted from the PBS Independent Lens feature documentary “Kumu Hina,” approaches diversity and cultural preservation in a youth-friendly way by telling the story through the youth’s own point of view. Organizations and educators are welcome to incorporate the film into trainings/curricula, and/or contact Dean and Joe directly for technical assistance.

Hawai‛i State Department of Education (DOE)

Mental Health America of Hawai‘i (MHAH)

MHAH provides trainings, presentations, and resources for adults and youth. The organization also supports individuals and families around mental health issues, and participates in advocacy activities.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Hawai‘i

Offers education, advocacy, and support for persons with mental illness and their families. One of NAMI Hawaii’s primary focus areas is the support of families and caregivers of those living with mental illness. They offer a “Family-to-Family (F4F) Education” course for caregivers, as well as Family Support Groups. A variety of peer support groups are also offered in various locations.

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Department of Psychiatry

Hawaii’s leader in research, service, and training on mental/behavioral health in Hawai‘i and the Pacific Region. The Department also co-houses the “Hawaii’s Caring Communities/Systems Initiatives (HCCI and HCSI) for Youth Suicide Prevention,” under the direction of Dr. Deborah Goebert (goebertd@dop.hawaii.edu) and Dr. Jeanelle Sugimoto-Matsuda (jsugimot@hawaii.edu). 

Youth Leadership Council for Suicide Prevention

Main contacts:

The Hawaii’s Caring Communities Initiative (HCCI) supports the Youth Leadership Council. Approximately 50 youth from across the state are now part of the Council, serving as advocates for suicide prevention in their respective communities. Interested youth/organizations can contact HCCI for information on the process for becoming involved in the Council (includes an application/interview process to ensure youth’s readiness for serving as a youth leader).

Other Partner Organizations and Agencies

There are many groups, formal and informal, that are currently working in suicide prevention. The following list provides just a snapshot of these groups – and thankfully, the list continues to grow!