Session 2

Session 2 Slides (2/11/22)

OER 101_Session 2_Spring 2022

Complete by 2/18/22


Watch this video to review combining licenses

Activity 1 - Combining Licenses Scenarios

Combining Licenses Scenarios [New Window] (

We discussed scenario 1 together. After watching the video above, try scenario questions 2 - 5. We will review these in session 3.

You may want to refer to the CC License Compatibility Chart below.

CC License Compatibility Chart


Video: "Open Pedagogy with Faculty & Students"

Please watch between time: 18:45 - 29:00. In this video segment, Professor Karen Cangialosi from Keene State College (New Hampshire) shares perspectives about the use of open pedagogical practices during the early months of the pandemic in 2020.

"When my students gain access to knowledge, I want it to be part of a larger invitation; we trust that you have important lessons to teach the world, and we trust that the knowledge you access today will be changed by your perspective, that you will open doors to new ideas that we, your current teachers, never could have taught you."

-Robin DeRosa (University of the Margins)

[This quote is featured in Cangialosi's presentation.]

Activity 2a: Workshop Deliverable - OER Action Plan

Make a copy of the Action Plan Template [New Window] to use for your final deliverable.

Please submit your Action Plan by sharing your Google Doc with the facilitators:

  • Junie Hayashi -

  • Jason Yamashita -

Please provide "Commenter" access if you would like feedback.

Activity 2b - Action Plan Slack Post

First, post a brief reflection in Slack OER 101 #4-reflection [New Window] channel about a notable consideration or realization you made working on your Action Plan. This might be identifying a particularly useful OER resource you came across, sharing something challenging about your project, or suggesting a helpful tip you learned from your experience.

Next, please read each other's posts and provide at least ONE comment to someone else's post.

Checklist - Due by Friday, 2/18/22

Suggested Readings (optional)

If you would like to learn more about Open Pedagogy and open pedagogical practices, here are two blog posts by David Wiley, the founder of the OER movement, in which he defines Open Pedagogy and promotes renewable assessments (assignments) over disposable versions. A book chapter from the useful The OER Starter Kit manual and additional articles are also provided.

What is Open Pedagogy [New Window] by David Wiley

Toward Renewable Assessments [New Window] by David Wiley

Open Pedagogy [New Window] (from The OER Starter Kit) by Abbey Elder

How do faculty benefit from renewable assignments? [New Window] by George Veletsianos

Equity & Openness: Perspectives from North American colleges and universities [New Window] by CCCOER [New Window] (This resource offers an assortment of blog postings regarding EDI topics.)
