
Workshop Objectives

  • Define open education, including its core benefits, challenges, and potential

  • Understand how OERs can support equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice in the classroom

  • Define open educational resources (OER) and explain the functions of the 5Rs

  • Understand copyright and fair use

  • Distinguish between openly licensed, public domain, and copyrighted materials

  • Define Textbook Cost $0 (TXT0) and understand when and how to add this designation to a class

  • Know where to find OER repositories and understand the differences between them

  • Find and evaluate relevant OERs using a set of criteria

  • Understand the difference between adaptation and remixing of Creative Commons (CC) licensed works

  • Create a proper attribution when reusing CC-licensed works

  • Add a CC license to an original, adapted, or remixed work