Micronesia is a subregion of Oceania that consists of approximately 2,000 islands including diverse cultures, languages, and people. The seven island nations in Micronesia include the U.S. territory of Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Kiribati, and Republic of Nauru. 


The name of our student organization is Micronesian Wayfinders Club. The term wayfinders pays homage to the resiliency of Micronesian people, and respect to Master Navigator Papa Mau Piailug. 


The patterns depicted in our logo represent the flags of each island nation in the region of Micronesia. It was drafted in August of 2022, and it symbolizes how diverse we are as a people, while also dispelling the misleading idea that the term "Micronesia" refers to just one nation or people. In fact, we are a group of various peoples with our own unique languages, cultures, and heritages. 


The Micronesian Wayfinders Club is a student organization that was founded in September of 2022. Its main purpose is to unify, empower and support Micronesian college students at Honolulu Community College. As the newest immigrants to Hawai’i, Micronesians face significant hardships including discrimination, systemic inequalities, negative stereotypes, etc. The club was established to provide a network of peer support, create a sense of belonging to the campus, and enforce a positive college experience for Micronesian students through campus engagement, culturally relevant learning experiences, and community service. 


The Micronesian Wayfinders Club is tailored to serve students who self-identify as Micronesian.  However, membership is open to all students who have ancestral ties or personal interests in the pacific region of Micronesia. Prospective and current participants must be able to demonstrate awareness and/or willingness to learn the unique cultural values and social issues that Micronesian communities and individuals face in Hawai’i. Members must have some affiliation with Honolulu Community College. Exceptions may be made only in an agreement of the executive committee and club advisor(s).


We Are Oceania


Marshallese Baked Goodies

Safe Haven

Waipahu Marshallese Steering Committee