Economic History 

Society of Australia

 and New Zealand 

How to join Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand? A subscription to the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review (AEHR) includes EHS membership, discounts on registration fees for the APEBH Conference, an annual email newslettter from EHS, and email and facebook alerts regarding important activitie To subscribe, go to the AEHR subscription link.


The Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand is the professional society for economic and business historians working in Australia and New Zealand as well as all economic and business  historians conducting reasearch on the Asia-Pacific region, Australia, and New Zealand. The Society provides editorial and business management of the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review, published by Wiley. The Review is published 3 times a year in March, July and November. The Society also organizes the annual Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference.

The aims of the EHS of Australia and New Zealand are:

Main activities of EHS of Australia and New Zealand include:
