FAQs about General Education Rubrics

Responses to FAQ's about designating courses and selecting rubrics:

How many courses per term? How many students?

  • Each Semester, each department should designate at least two courses (at any level), with a target of about 50 students in all to be assessed.
  • If the enrollments in one or more of the courses is very large (over 40) instructors can use an unbiased sampling system to select a sub-set of student work to evaluate.
  • If the department is keenly interested in a core competency (rubric) which is best studied in a course at the 200 or 300 level, there might be reason for the combined enrollment of the designated courses to fall below the 50-student target.

How do we designate courses and rubrics? When?

  • Go to the Select Rubrics form linked above, then enter information about instructor, course, and your preferred rubrics. This can be done by the Chair, or by the individual instructor.
  • Deadlines for selecting courses will be announced each term, but will normally be in November and March of each year.

What are we supposed to us as the basis of assessment?

  • This can be left to the discretion of the instructor. Assessment can be based on a single assignment, exam, or project; or it could be some evaluation based on a pre- and post-test, or some portfolio of work. Assessment data is meant as a tool for the instructor and program; it need not correspond to the grade or feedback you give to the student for that assignment or the course.

What if I like criteria (rows) from a more than one of the rubrics?

  • No problem, just pick more than one rubric in the form. When you do your assessment, you can simply use the particular criteria (rows) that interest you. Ignore the others. We are aiming for 4-6 criteria (rows) per course, so any way you assemble them is fine.

How do I enter assessment data? When?

  • Go to the Data Entry tab in this site. There you find links to individual courses designated for assessment. Click on yours (you can only see those for which you are instructor) and enter the data. The student names and your pre-selected rubrics will be there. You need only give the rating (1-4) for each student. See the complete instructions on the Data Entry page.
  • Please enter the assessment data by January 1 (fall term) or June 1 (spring term).

Where do we view overall results?

  • These are accessible via the Results tab above, with dynamic summaries by rubric, department, etc. No data are exposed in any way that can be linked to an individual student.