Pre-ETS Summer Program

Viability's summer Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services) program is a series of classes for students ages 14-21 that go over these 5 topics:

The classes are geared towards vocational studies, and they help the students see what's available to them after high school. After completing all 5 classes, the students are awarded with a $100 VISA gift card.

Viability is running their summer program for 7 weeks between July and August 2023. Each individual student will choose 1 week and attend for 5 consecutive days, Monday - Friday from 9am-3pm in their Ronkonkoma office. Please see the attached flyer for exact dates. The first half of the class is spent on the class/presentation, then the students break for lunch, and then we go out on various job visits/tours pertaining to the student's interests until pick-up at 3pm. 

Below are 2 flyers with more information on the Summer Pre-ETS program.  One of flyers is a general pre-ETS informational flyer, while the other flyer lists the dates that we are running the summer program. 

*Students cannot take part in the pre-ETS program if they have an open ACCES-VR case 

To Register, Contact:


NEW Summer flyer pre-ETS 2023.pdf
Flyer Pre ETS (Apr2023 NY) email.pdf