Guardianship, Social Security and Medicaid


In New York State, when a person becomes 18 years old they are assumed to be legally competent to make decision for themselves. This means no other person is allowed to make a personal, medical or financial decision for that individual. If a person is "intellectually disabled or developmentally disabled," has difficulty making decisions for themselves and over 18 years old, you can ask the Surrogate's Court to appoint a guardian for him or her.

 NYS Guardianship Website 

 Brandow Law Guardianship Workshop 

Guardianship handouts:  CLICK HERE


The next virtual transition planning workshop will be on 

April 18, 2023

For more information regarding this workshop and to register, please CLICK HERE

To view handouts for this workshop, please CLICK HERE 

Social Security:  (See SSI Application below)

If you would like to apply for SSI benefits for:

An adult with a disability


A child with a disability


Assistance with Applying: 

SSI Red Book-A Summary Guide to Employment Supports for People with Disabilities 



2. Application for SSI.PDF
17A Presentation 2020- for Transition.pdf
Supplemental Needs Trust -Transition.pdf