Supporting Homework

Parent/ Carer considerations:

Hastings regards home learning as being an essential part of the relationship between pupils, parents and teachers. Successful, happy learners are supported both at home and in school with their independent studies. Working in partnership with parents and carers we aim to ensure that all learners fulfil their independent learning needs.

Establishing routines with home learning, checking the Classcharts app and showing interest with your child's learning will massively assist engagement and progress.

We expect all parents and carers to:

  1. Be proactive in supporting homework, and positive in supporting your child's independent learning

  2. Acknowledge that supporting homework is part of the home/school agreement

  3. Engage with your child in showing interest and in discussing homework and work being completed in school

  4. Actively monitor your child's homework on Classcharts to assist in the organisation and completion of homework

  5. Work constructively with the school when expectations for home learning are not being met and the progress of a pupil is short of expectations

  6. Endeavour to provide a certain suitable learning environment for home study and independent learning:

Considerations should include:

- access to an independent study space, free from distractions

- taking an active interest in your child's learning and asking them about their homework and how it links to the lessons they are completing in school

- assisting with handwriting presentation, literacy and spelling where possible

- liaising with teachers, support staff and other members of the school community as appropriate to support what your child's home learning

- ensure that learners have the materials and resources required to complete tasks independently at home

  1. To have an awareness maintaining a work/life balance for your child, and inform the school of any concerns that you may have.