Sanctions & Rewards

Non completion of homework

Within our Hastings family we acknowledge the fallibility of humanity, and the need for compassion and understanding for the wellbeing of pupils and pupil teacher relationships. We endeavour to act accordingly in supporting and meeting all learners' needs and will consider individual circumstances as required. 

Where an extension is not requested or suitable reason is not given, a homework detention will be issued with the expectation that the homework will be completed to a satisfactory standard. 

Homework detentions of this type will take place alongside behaviour detentions.  The expectation is that the homework task will still require completion.

All actions should be recorded on Classcharts, and parents/ Carers will be informed. (see diagram below). 

Further details can be found in the school homework policy.

Repeated non completion of tasks

Teachers will refer students who are failing to complete tasks to Form Tutors in the first instance. Pupils that repeatedly fail to complete tasks, both within and between subjects, or fail to submit work to the expected standard will be asked to attend homework support sessions after school to improve their homework completion. If this is for a single subject, this will be actioned by the teacher or Head of Department. If a student is failing to complete homework across multiple subjects, Pastoral team intervention will be required and homework club support implemented. The details of homework support sessions can be found here .

The school will communicate with the student and parent / carer to identify any barriers to home learning and provide support to the pupil as individual circumstance may require. 

Recording & Reporting non completion

If a pupil fails to meet the deadline for homework without good reason, or work is below expectation, a homework detention will be set on Classcharts for non-completion and parents will be informed. 

School reports will indicate the completion of homework and highlight any concerns. 

Other associated/secondary behaviours, like repeated defiance, will require the use of Pastoral sanctions in accordance with the behaviour policy, and detentions may be set.

Concerns around well-being or safeguarding issues that may arise from discussions around a lack of homework may require additional intervention and support from the Head of Year or Safeguarding teams.

Where an issue is identified in a pupil persistently failing to complete homework, they will be offered to attend a study support session (period 6) after school and be monitored and supported by a member of staff to assist the pupil in getting back on track and meeting expectations. 


Excellent work will be identified and recorded as such on Classcharts and achievement points issued accordingly. 

School reports will indicate pupils that excel in completing homework within a subject, in terms of both outstanding effort and consistency. These will be rewarded with certificates for their progress files and parents informed. It must be remembered that effort is personal to the pupil and variation will exist between pupils in this respect. Staff can refer a pupil to Heads of Department or the Senior Leadership Team if they have completed work deserving recognition for personal effort achievement, or improvement.

Pastoral teams will monitor performance across subjects and identify pupils who are deserving of a praise letter, postcard or similar of such achievement. These can be retained in the pupils Personal Development Portfolio and recorded on Classcharts.

Pupils can also complete "supercurricular tasks" in areas of their own choosing or attend extra curricular clubs as additional independent learning.