
Hastings College Press welcomes proposals for new titles. Please see the editor/contributor guidelines below for the types of books published by the press.

Editor/Contributor Guidelines

Hastings College Press publishes reasonably priced editions of regionally themed texts. We focus primarily on forgotten texts that are in the public domain. (Any text published in the United States before Jan. 1, 1927, is in the public domain. Some texts published between 1924 and 1960 have fallen into the public domain. If you would like to propose a reading edition or critical edition of a text but do not know whether it is in the public domain, please contact the director.)

We are interested in fiction, nonfiction, and historical documents, as well as collections of scholarly essays on appropriate regional themes.

Citation style should conform to the standard style of the discipline.

Proposals may be sent to Patricia Oman, Director of HC Press, at

Forgotten Texts

Reading Editions

Reading Editions are low-priced editions of texts aimed at undergraduates, high-school students, and the general public. Books will be published in paperback editions. Editorial matter should be minimal.

To compete with free versions of public domain texts, we focus on providing quality editions that include introductions by knowledgeable scholars. Contributors must provide the following:

Contributors may also provide suggestions about authoritative editions of the text and provide limited footnotes for any names or terms with which readers may be unfamiliar.

Critical Editions

Critical Editions are designed for classroom use at both the undergraduate and high-school level. Books will be published in both paperback and eBook editions. Editorial matter should be more extensive than in the Reading Editions.

Editors must provide the following:

Scholarly Collections

HC Press publishes a limited number of critical collections on regional themes. Collections should include 10–15 essays of 4000–6000 words each (including editorial matter). All essays in a collection must be original and previously unpublished.

The editor’s responsibilities include the following:

Proposals for our Rediscovering the American Midwest series (series editors, Jon K. Lauck and Patricia Oman) are especially welcome.