- Partner With Us - 

Sponsorships or Scholarships, both help us serve and grow the students entrusted to us

Business Sponsorships

We desire to connect with businesses and create mutually beneficial partnerships that support our theater vision and bring value to businesses in our local community.

Promote your company by sponsoring any part of our show or process:

An example might be, instead of passing out marketing trinkets, sponsor snacks at intermission, each guest receives one compliments of your business.

Options are open to creativity depending on your business’ goals and passions. None is too big, or too small.

Individual Sponsorships

Families and individuals can sponsor any of the above sponsorship items as well or customize. Contact us today to plan your sponsorship. 

Theater Arts Scholarships

Theater Arts Scholarship can be created in the name of a family or business. Scholarships help students afford to be a part of theater now and in the future. A student scholarship may cover production fees or camp registration. Help us as we bless and serve our students by equipping them to go into the world and make an impact for Christ.

Contact us today to customize your sponsorship hcatheater@harvestchristianacademy.org

All Donations are tax-deductible