Sorry, old pic, but I love this one!!

Counseling overview

In the counselor's office, we can help with many things! Come in if you are struggling with mental health, conflict, bullying, or any of the many issues facing students today!

College/Career advising is available! What are your plans for the future? Remember, it's okay if you want to go to college, join the workforce, enlist in the military, or attend a trade school! At HHS, we want you to graduate and become a responsible and productive member of society. It doesn't matter which field you decide to go into!

Scheduling is done in the counselor's office! Mrs. Palmer will meet with students throughout the year to go over plans, transcripts and create an education plan that is right for you!

Dual credit and credit recovery are also signed up for through the counselor's office. HHS offers dual credit classes through Drury University, Missouri State University-West Plains and Missouri State University-Springfield. Our credit recovery courses are through the Launch Program from Springfield Public Schools.

Mrs. Palmer also works with Mrs. Sanders and your teachers to monitor grades. If you are not doing well in a class, we will work with you to make a plan to get your grades up. We want all students to be successful!

About Mrs. Palmer

My family at the Field of DreamsLabor Day 2021

Hi! I'm Mrs. Palmer. I'm the Junior High/High School Counselor at Hartville Schools in Hartville, Missouri. Before that, I loved being the Junior High Science Teacher here at Hartville! I love spending time with my family--husband, Jeff and kiddos, Sarah & Mason. We enjoy just being together, traveling and sports. Besides counseling, I also love playing the piano and reading!