Registration & Payment

Open up the Brightspark document below and click on the registration link TOUR WEB CODE= TZ6JRSJ

Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn HS - Online Registration Letter (1).pdf

Student Trip Cost = $1059 {includes RGP}


May 7, 2021 Enrollment - $189 {this includes $100 deposit and $89 RGP}

A deposit + RGP is due to secure a place on the tour.

Payment plans are now available on Brightspark

*All payments will be made to BRIGHTSPARK TRAVEL, INC on their portal.

**Brightspark now offers monthly payments and auto-pay.

All students must enroll in the RPG program upon registation, which is included in our trip cost. Their policy covers emergencies, as well as anything Covid-related. {In 2020, Brightspark was the only tour company that refunded every penny due to Covid cancellations.}

Refund Guarantee Protection.pdf