

Padlet is an online tool purchased by Hartford Public Schools District that is best described as an online notice board. Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. The notes posted by teachers and students can contain links, videos, images, and document files. When you register with Padlet, you can create as many “walls” or online notice boards as you like. These walls can set to private or public, with each wall having separate privacy settings. This can facilitate teacher collaboration in a subject department, which is not accessible by students. Private walls can be created by requiring a password to access them, or by limiting access to registered users, with specified emails. As the creator of a wall, teachers can moderate all notes before they appear and privacy settings can be adjusted at any time. Users do not need to sign up to use Padlet, though it is recommended that teachers using it in a classroom setting would do so, in order to edit a wall, moderate posts, and collate all class walls into one management screen. Teachers can also choose to set a notification to receive an email whenever a student posts to the teacher’s wall.