Advanced Auditions

Only Advanced Level Classes require an audition! 

Audition videos due: May 27, 2025

For students interested in auditioning for Advanced Level classes, please read the ADVANCED AUDITION FAQ. You should save files of your recordings BEFORE you use the ADVANCED AUDITION UPLOAD FORM.  If your audition does not meet the audition requirements, you will automatically be placed into the intermediate level class. The intermediate curriculum is designed to prepare students for the advanced level classes.






Because of our current campus closure, auditions for Advanced Band and Orchestra will be via video files submitted online. Here are instructions for preparing and submitting your audition videos online. As a reminder, there is room for EVERYONE in the Rancho Pico Band and Orchestra program. Auditions are just a matter of class placement to insure that students are in a class where they will thrive intellectually, socially, and musically.  If a student is not ready for the advanced level classes, do not be discouraged, most 7th graders are placed in the intermediate level classes.  Our intermediate level groups play a level higher music than most elementary advanced and honor level groups.


There are both perks and pitfalls for video auditions. It is great that students can have multiple tries to do their very best. The downside to this is perfectionism to a fault. All I ask is that you do your best! To help you do this without going crazy, I am asking you to video each individual component of the audition. This way you don’t need to go back to the very beginning of the audition to do a re-take. Audition material has been slightly modified to be more user-friendly for this new online process.



When you record your video, please frame it so that I can see your instrument, hands, and face. This gives me lots of information about your playing ability. Make certain that you are in a fairly quiet environment without tv or music in the background. A little brother crying or a dog barking are no big deal, but music from electronic devices compete with your instrument on a microphone.

Please submit your videos as or .mp4 format. It is okay to ask parents for help! 

Advanced Audition Instructions


Make sure you know where your videos are saved on your computer.



Go to the Audition Upload Form to complete the form and upload your files as directed.