Hey RIver Hawks!

ASB is a leadership class at Rio Norte that focuses on creating different events, moments, and experiences for students to feel connected on campus. ASB students are in charge of the brainstorming, planning, and execution of several types of events on campus.  Some examples of these events include Summer Check-In, dances, spirit days, LTAs, fundraisers, the 6th Grade Jamboree, and Open House.

The ASB class is led by the executive board (also known as the executive council). There are 4 positions in the executive board: president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. These four students oversee the activity happening in the ASB class and make sure that the student body is being represented in the decisions being made. 

Current Rio Norte 7th graders get to vote for the students they want to represent the student body for next school year! As you scroll through this website, you will get to read a paragraph and watch a video from each student who is running for executive board. 

When you are ready to vote, click this link!

Thank you for participating and making our school so amazing! 

Gianna B.

Hi! I’m Gianna Bazar! I’m running for the ASB executive council. I think that I could benefit the school by taking your ideas for spirit days and LTA’s, making advisory first thing in the morning, and I’ll try to tweak the dress code a little more. I want to listen to EVERYONE'S ideas. It may be hard to be heard in this school so I’m here to listen. If I do get into the ASB executive council, I will try my best to make school fun and easy. Thanks and vote Gianna Bazar for the ASB executive council!!! | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Brooklyn C.

Hey River Hawks - Brooklyn Chadwick here!  It has been great representing you on ASB this year!  Moving forward, I am running for Executive Council for next year. So, why should you vote for me?  I’m very motivated to make next year even better than this year by listening to YOUR ideas and acting on them. I truly believe that everyone’s ideas should be heard and recognized and heard and that is what can improve our experiences at Rio Norte. THAT is what I’m striving for so please let me know if you have ideas on how to make next year even better.  I am here to represent YOU! | NO ELECTION VIDEO SUBMITTED

Savannah D.

Hi my name is Savannah Diaz and I am running for the executive board.  Currently I am in ASB and I really enjoy connecting with other people, planning our dances, and so much more. I would love  to represent our student body and encourage everyone  to have a voice. I want people to be apart of our events because they will be able to meet new people and make new memories. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Arden G.

I’m a person who like you, has dreams. I’m a go-getter and a leader. I’m a perfectionist and someone who strives for the best results possible. ASB has taught me all the values of being a leader, my friends taught me the value of trust, and the school taught just how many memories are made here. When voting for me, it will be a step to a more exciting school experience. I will dedicate my time to making the school year fun, unforgettable, and nothing but a success. I will make each and every day memorable for everyone. Whether it is through LTAS, dances, events, or simply waving at students every day to make their time here worthwhile, I’ll do. It’s not a guarantee that I’ll never make mistakes or owe up to all these promises, but with your trust and support, I know I can do these things. Please vote for me so that we could have excitement here at school like my fourth period science class. If you don’t know how that feels like, I’m more than glad to show just how that feels like in our years here at Rio Norte. Vote for me because with me, there’s you. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Bella H.

Hey River Hawks! My name is Bella Hipol and I am running for executive board. My goal as part of the executive council would to create a place where kids don’t have to feel afraid to put themselves out there. A place where kids feel their voice is important. If kids at school don’t feel comfortable or heard at school, they will feel unwanted and won’t want to be at school, and I want to change that. I will give it my all as part of the executive board to make everyone feel heard. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Caleb J.

Growth.  Challenge.  Vigor.  Future.  My name is Caleb Jeon, and these are my guiding principles.  I’ll talk about those later, but first, here’s a little info about me.  In my free time, I like to play video games, read, play music, and watch movies. I’m also a “Z-List” actor!  You can find my name in the “Additional Voices” sections of Turning Red and the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie.  I like to pursue excellence, which is why I want to become an excellent leader for ASB.  To help me with this, I use my guiding fundamentals.  I see growth as a way of making mistakes, then learning from them.  I’m not perfect, just like all of you.  But, I take my mistakes and use them to improve myself, just as I can do with our school.  Challenge is the way that we push the limits and work to make things better than they are.  Overcoming Covid was a challenge for us all, but look at how much stronger we are now.  I want to be able to struggle and pull the school up to greater heights. Vigor is positive energy.  To me, it means the fuel that will refresh our entire school.  With an invigorating ASB leader, we can revive school spirit, make LTA’s and games more exciting, and make school more fun in general.  Future is the biggest word on this list in my mind.  The future is not just for us, but for the following generations of middle-schoolers.  By leaving strong foundations with strong leadership, we, the 2022 students of Rio Norte, can create school culture that will last for years to come.  To know that we influenced an entire school, long after we leave, is the best legacy I can think of.  Help us make that legacy a reality.  The choice is yours to make. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Jolie L.

Hi, I am Jolie Lahey and I am running for ASB Executive Council! I’ve been a part of ASB this year and it has been so much fun. I enjoyed planning dances, spirit days and lunch time activities.  I'm organized, hardworking and reliable which makes me a good candidate for the Executive Council. I want to represent you guys so this school can be as fun as possible. If you want your voice to be heard, vote for me. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Charlotte L.

Hi there! I’m Charlotte Lee, and I would love to be a part of the executive board next year. Leadership opportunities like these interest me, and I feel that I can help contribute to the board. For example, I can assist in improving activities, for both the dances and LTAs, based on the student’s interests. I can also make realistic suggestions for further experiences. While some things I can’t promise, what I can say is that I will work very hard and be responsible if I have the privilege of being a part of the executive council! So, please vote for me if you're ready to see improvements next school year! | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Hudson L.

Hi everyone! I'm Hudson Lee, and I'm running for a spot on the executive board. With your vote, I will try to do everything in my power to make Rio Norte the finest it can be. As a member of the executive board, I would work to improve school activities, such as dances, in order to make them more engaging and enjoyable. I'd want to see more LTAs that include sports such as basketball and relay races, as well as intellectual trivia just to name a few so that students can enjoy some of the school. I would try to make more creative lunchtime activities that can entertain people after a boring day at school. Also, I'd like to improve school dances by adding new games and better décor to make them more exciting and vibrant for students. Student involvement is very important to me, and I'd want to hear your comments, thoughts, ideas, as well as suggestions. If you vote for me I can promise you that I will value everything you say that could improve Rio Norte and I will try to make as many of your suggestions a reality. I have devotion and dedication to shape our school into the best environment for everyone. As a student executive member, I will do anything and everything to make 2022-2023 the most memorable year. So, please vote for me. Thank you! | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Prajna P.

Hey Rio. This is Prajna Priyaprasanna. First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time off your precious day to read this. I know you're cool, but reading this will make you cooler. I am running for A.S.B president this year and am here to ask you to vote for me. I am a very outgoing person who loves to hangout with friends. I enjoy talking with people and will enjoy talking to you too. There are many things that I'll try to change in this school such as cafeteria food, dress code, and more. I would love to listen to your ideas and implement them in my actions. Here is a poem for everyone: Roses are red, violets are blue, I am voting for Prajna and so should you. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE 

Omar R.

Hello everyone, I’m Omar Reza, and I hope you’ll wager a vote over my way! Not convinced? Didn’t expect you to be, you’re two sentences in! These executive positions come with a lot of responsibility, and if you’re on the board, your input matters much more; thus, if I am elected, I’ll use this unique position in order to help make dances, LTA’s, and spirit days much more exciting. Additionally, I’ll strive to make everyone feel comfortable at school. Middle school can be pretty stressful, so I promise to make the school a much more fun place, and maybe I can even help students, (including you) take a load off at school. Of course, the position can be pretty difficult, which is why I’ve made sure to prepare for a leadership position my whole life. Learning to juggle responsibilities through a bunch of clubs and extracurriculars, volunteering, and even studying some psychology are a few things that allow me to qualify for the board. There are a lot of great choices, but regardless, I’ll hope you’ll consider me for a vote! | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Naomi S.

Hi everyone, my name is Naomi Shelofsky.  I am running for a spot on the executive board for the 2022-2023 school year. To get to know me, I am from California, my favorite color is green, and I have three siblings. My intentions are to make this next year the best year ever. As a member of the executive board, I would have a specific job that would help ASB run smoothly while ensuring you, the students of Rio Norte, are being heard.  I have become very familiar with the qualifications that a strong leader would have, as I have been in many different councils as a member of ASB. My main goal would be to advocate for the student body and to listen to their ideas and suggestions. Another one of my goals is to make this upcoming school year memorable by creating fun events that everyone would enjoy. I may not be able to promise a High School Musical experience but this could be the start of something new so vote for me, Naomi Shelofsky, to be on the executive board. | ELECTION VIDEO HERE

Melina V.

Hi! I’m Melina Visitacion, and I am running for ASB executive board this year! I will strive to be a good leader who uplifts everyone in my community, and that includes you! I am aware of the many responsibilities that will come with being on executive council, and I am willing to commit to them and be more involved with our school. One of my main goals is to make school an enjoyable place for everyone. I want to make everyone in the student body feel heard, comfortable, accepted, acknowledged, included, and happy! I will do this by taking all students’ unique ideas into account and by acting as a voice for them. It is so important to me that everyone in the student body feels heard, because every individual is a part of this school, and deserves to be listened to. I want to leave positive impacts and changes on our community that makes us different from other schools, and connect as well as bring our student body together! I have had a good amount of experience with being a student leader. I have been elected to be in student council in elementary school in 3rd and 5th grade. A lot of that time we spent discussing school topics and working together as a group, and those experiences have definitely helped shape me to be the leader I am now. I am responsible, mature, reliable, trustworthy, optimistic, organized, and diligent. No matter the situation, I always do everything I can to help those around me. I have learned that being a true leader means that you have to learn to step out of your comfort zone, and be very dedicated. I want to keep improving Rio Norte and making it the best it can be, so everyone can have a good experience here! I also will be a supporter, helping hand, and friendly face for everyone, who encourages, inspires, and motivates them to do their very best. Thank you! | ELECTION VIDEO HERE