Daily Journal Prompts
“What a comfort is this journal I tell myself to myself and throw the burden on my book and feel relieved.” Anne Lister
“What a comfort is this journal I tell myself to myself and throw the burden on my book and feel relieved.” Anne Lister
Daily Journal Prompts
Daily Journal Prompts
Try establishing journaling as a pre-bedtime habit to help you unwind and de-stress.
Try establishing journaling as a pre-bedtime habit to help you unwind and de-stress.
Let's Try Something New!
Let's Try Something New!
After you finish answering the prompt of the day, fold up your small piece of paper and place it in a container – it can be a mason jar, a small box or bottle, or anything else that you have at home.
After you finish answering the prompt of the day, fold up your small piece of paper and place it in a container – it can be a mason jar, a small box or bottle, or anything else that you have at home.
After the week is over, take out all of the pieces of paper, and spend some time reading and reflecting on what you wrote about in the past week. How do you feel about your responses?
After the week is over, take out all of the pieces of paper, and spend some time reading and reflecting on what you wrote about in the past week. How do you feel about your responses?