Monthly Traits

November 2021

Our character trait for the month of November is kindness.  

With this in mind, who were you kind to today? Who will you be  kind to tomorrow?  

October 2021

Our purpose is to lead our students from the classroom into the world as productive and responsible citizens with great character.   

This is why we'd like to inform you about the character trait of the month: Honesty.

With this in mind, how can you practice honesty in your classroom? or as part of your school?  

MAy 2021

The Character Trait of the month of May is Perseverance. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, perseverance is the "continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition."  

How can you practice perseverance as an individual? As part of your high school? In your classroom?

April 2021

The character trait of the month of April is wisdom. 

 After watching the video, what can we learn about the geese?

March 2021

The character trait of the month of March is Service

With this in mind, how do you service others? Go out there (virtually) and show service with a great heart.

February 2021

The character trait of the month of February is Respect.

With this in mind, how do you respect others? Let's remember to respect your neighbors.

January 2021

The character trait of the month of January is resilience.  

With this in mind,  ask yourself how can I be more resilient?  Let's begin the year with building resilience.  

December 2020

Our character trait of the month of December is gratitude.  

With this in mind, are you ready to have an attitude of gratitude?  What are you thankful for?  Starting today, let's be grateful.