Home learning for Nursery - Ducklings 4
I am sure that I am not the only one that as a parent has felt a huge amount of guilt at times as I strive to juggle all those balls that come with parenting. However none of us are perfect and like me, sometimes you do what is required to get to the end of the day. This is normal.
I hope that by sharing the Early Years Framework with you over a few weeks that you will recognise how well you are doing as parents and enjoy your time with your child/children.
This week I am going to introduce you to the prime areas of learning. These are fundamental to every child’s development and are key to developing children that are healthy, confident, happy and ready to learn. The specific areas of learning are not built upon until a good grounding in the prime areas has been achieved.
Mrs Pontefract & Mrs Draper
Prime Area of Learning - Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Making relationships/Self-confidence and self-awareness/Managing feelings and behaviour
What can you do?
Talk about and label emotions
Play games where you have to take turns
Read stories which reflect on different behaviours
Model being considerate and responsive in interactions
Value your child’s successes
Give your child achievable challenges and support them through them if needed
Encourage them to look after their things carefully
Listen and talk
Create boundaries and rules with your child and stick to them
Prime Area of Learning - Physical Development
Moving and handling/Health and self-care
What can you do?
Encourage your child to do things independently
Give children time and props to explore moving in different ways
Talk about how they are moving and challenge them to move in a different way
Use different tools, scissors, cutters, knifes, paint brushes, pencils, hammers etc.
Play with playdough, threading, construction and jigsaws
Allow children to take a risk or try new skills but talk about the need for safety.
Involve children in preparing food and talk about healthy choices
Talk about the changes in their body after a physical activity
Prime Area of Learning - Communication and Language
Listening and attention/Understanding/Speaking
What can you do?
Share stories and rhymes together
Play listening games
See what sounds you can hear outside and around the house
Experiment with words and sounds
Encourage narratives into play
Model how to use language for different situations and negotiating
Give your child instructions
Listen and value your child’s opinions
Talk, talk, talk