Hardin county Virtual School 


 Who Are We? 

Mission: The goal of Hardin County Virtual School (HCVS) is to provide Hardin County students with flexible and rigorous online learning opportunities that will help them acquire the knowledge, skills, and characteristics necessary for college and career readiness extending beyond the scope of a traditional school setting.

Program Goals & Purpose: Education is the key to our students’ future.  HCVS strives to enable students to acquire that key by providing an alternative path to middle and high school graduation, setting students on the course of a lifelong practice of self-motivated learning in an environment that prepares them for a successful life in the global 21st century.

Elementary School students follow a grade-level curriculum and must log in and participate between the hours of 8:00 am to 10:00 am AND a second period of activity during the hours of 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Attendance (participation) will be taken at 10:00 am and again at 1:00 pm. 

Middle School students follow a 5 period class schedule, with 4 core courses and 1 elective on a trimester system.

High School students follow a 5 period class schedule on a trimester system.  High School students must complete 26 credits in order to graduate.  Diploma requirements may be found on the Graduation page.

**Interested Students and Parents should read the Expectations & Requirements page for all details regarding enrollment requirements & application.**

Contact Information:


Office phone:  270-234-5796


Office phone: 270-234-5739


School phone:  270-234-5732


Office phone: 270-234-5797


Office phone: 270-234-5798


Office phone: 270-982-2050

For text reminders, please sign up for REMIND 101:

Text @hcvsK-12 to 810-10