The Big Connection

Why should we study ancient Greece? Have you ever ask this question? Some people might think that it was because the paintings and statues in ancient Greece, or even the Olympic games. In my opinion, myths, avchitctive and mathematics are most important to ancient Greece and modern world. Here are facts which support my opinion.

In my opinion, myths is same important as mathematics. In fact, Greek myth is already in our life, their are many books, novel use Greek myths to be the topic, let characters having a lot of adventure in the world of Greek myths, even now, we having more and more movie is about Greek myths. Why myth is very important? You may have this question inside your brain. We learn about greek myths because inside the myths, there have how did people in ancient greece think about the things happened in natural that they can't describe. In the myth, we can enjoy in fun story, learning about the heros kill the big monster, and how people in anceint greece describe the things happened in natural. Learning myth can know about predecessor's knowledge , this is why I think myth is really important.

The architecture of Greece starts at the new stone age that humans built huts and little houses, at the early bronze age the first house with stone walls was built. At the late bronze age people built lots of things with stone like palaces, roads, and dams. At the dark age greeks were in fights so a lot of building were destroyed, at the iron age people built their first doric style temple. The architecture of modern buildings are tranformed greece builings, greece architecture affects modern builings, so learning ancient greece history is important.

Not only do I think that myths and archictive are important to ancient Greece and modern world, but also because math and science. We must be thankful to mathematics and scientists's great invention and discover in ancient Greece. The most famous example is Archimedes, the man who discovered the principle of buoyancy. He helped the king of Syracuse to find out that the crown maker was lying, the crown was not all made from gold. Buoyancy is a force that makes solids floates. The bigger buoyancy is, the more powerful it floates. It makes modern scientists more easier to discover physics.He was also a inventor! While the war bigan between Greece and Rome empire, he created some deadly weapons to defend his country. Include a machine which throws gigantic rocks to the enemy, and mirrows which can gather sunlight and burn enemy's ship. Unfortunally, his was killed by a Roman soilder in 212 B.C.while he was 75 years old. He is one of the greatist mathematics in the hole history!

I thought that the most important things which seem very important to Greece was because the myths and folktales, which bring imagination and stories. Also the architecture. Finally, the science and mathematics. This is why we must learn about ancient Greece, because it was a country that counldn't miss, and it also made earth a better place to live!