Professional Learning Resources

Welcome to the Professional Learning Playbook. This is your one-stop shop for learning about Hāpara regardless of your level of experience.

  • Get started - Basic resources that will show you the fundamentals. We have deliberately shared a limited number of resources on this page to help you focus on what you need to know just to get going.

  • Learn more - These resources will help you dive deeper into additional and more advanced features and uses.

  • Training resources - These resources are perfect for you if you are responsible for training others to use Hāpara.

Are you just getting started with Hāpara?

If so, you are in the right place.

The video on the right provides a fantastic overview of the different tools within the Hāpara suite. Watch it to:

  • learn how to locate and log into your Hāpara Dashboard

  • pick up some quick tips and best practices for getting started with each tool

  • how to deal with privacy and trust concerns when it comes to your learners

The Quick start guides found below will help get you up and running in no time. Once you are ready to learn more about Hāpara, explore the other pages in this site. No matter what your comfort level, please join the Hāpara Community!

Quick start guide with Hāpara written tutorial 2021.pdf
Quick start guide with Hāpara visual aid 2021.pdf
Quick start guide with Hāpara_ teacher FAQs 2021.pdf