More Features

All of the resources below will help you learn more about Highlights. If you prefer learning by watching video tutorials, then check out this page. Scroll until you get to the Highlights section. We also want to encourage you to join the Hāpara Community and check out the awesome How to Hāpara Highlights course. Want to push yourself a little more? Apply to be a Hapara Champion Educator.


Online lesson strategies for groups in Highlights 2021.pdf
Manage Highlights Groups - steps with visuals 2021 (1).pdf

Activity Viewer

Activity Viewer - visual aid 2021.pdf
Activity Viewer cheat sheet 2021.pdf


Ways to use Snaps in your classroom 2021.pdf
How to send a Snap with feedback - steps with visuals 2021.pdf

Guide Browsing - Focus and Filter Sessions

Guide Browsing- Focus and Filter Sessions one pagers 2021.pdf
How to set up Guide Browsing Sessions- steps with screenshots 2021.pdf

Schedule Tab

What can you do with the Highlights Schedule tab 2021.pdf
Schedule tab guide with visuals 2021.pdf