FALL 2024

you are invited!

The REI Business Week in Fall 2024 will be held at Hanoi University from 

October 21 - 26, 2024

We are proud to bring an excellent group of professionals this year to HANU again to offer our students training of their choice. Based on your preferences, we would like to offer the following classes to our students. 

TO BE UPDATED for registration

So Who Are You Anyway? Knowing Makes All the Difference

Abstract: There are some people that I relate to very well and others that I cannot understand.  Is there a way to be able to improve my relationships with all people? Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI is one of the world’s most popular personality tests.  It gives one a way of discovering your preferences in four big areas: how are you energized, how do you take in information, how do you make decisions and how do you like your life to be structured.  You will discover how knowing this about yourself and other’s can increase your overall effectiveness.

Speaker: Cheryl Meredith, PhD

Venue: TBA

Cheryl Meredith, PhD
Cheryl Meredith, PhD

Emotional Intelligence - Success's Key Element

While I feel like I have a high IQ, sometimes I find that I am not as successful as others are in all areas of life.  How can I find more success in life? Emotional Intelligence has been demonstrated to be a far high indicator of overall success than IQ.  Learning the basic concepts, and how they can help with self-management and social engagement, is relevant for all who wish to experience success in life.  This practical class will give opportunities to practice and apply the basic tenets of emotional intelligence and give straightforward tools to help one grow in emotional intelligence.Speaker: Cheryl Meredith, PhD

Venue: TBA

Building a Team for Success

DMS LLC was started in 1998 as a software solutions provider and successfully operated until its sale to a large multi-national company in 2008. Staring this new business required assembling a team of people and resources that could execute the business plan and vision. This course presents a case study about the experience of building a successful new engineering software solutions provider. The course will outline the team building process and what was learned dealing with multi-national company’s leadership teams as customers. Critical success factors, lessons learned will be discussed focusing on both successful and failed initiatives

Speaker: Kenn Cygan

Venue: TBA

International Business Communication

We see the world through our own cultural prism which seems obvious to us but not to others. To work in a multicultural team, we should be able to identify what is considered in our own culture as a norm but that which is different from others to open a dialogue of sharing, learning and understanding. This is an introductory class that will give the students a broad overview of differences between cultures in the areas of communication, Evaluating, Persuading, Leading, Deciding, Trusting, Disagreeing and Scheduling.

Speaker: James Kang

Venue: TBA

The 15 Critical Questions to Building a Successful Startup

As true entrepreneurs, we must not simply be driven by random passion; we must also follow the well proven path to entrepreneurial success. By mastering the “15 Critical Questions”, the students will learn how to develop very useful strategies for building a successful startup company, regardless of its market or industry. The purpose of the course is to help students learn and understand the proven tactical steps that all entrepreneurs are expected to follow when starting a new company.  These steps are explored by addressing 15 critical question that will help students build the framework for a well-planned startup launch.

Speaker: Loren Lancaster

Venue: TBA

Merrily Madero

Becoming a Person of Influence

Abstract: Your boss doesn’t pay attention to you, your co-workers/peers ignore you, and your subordinates don’t respect you!  Your team is not communicating.  What can you do to change that?? Can you fix your entire organization??  Yes!!!

This class is designed to give practical guidance to influence everyone on your team, or at your work location.  You will be given guidance to influence your boss, co-workers, team members, peers and subordinates. Using classroom activities, student will be able to practice many diverse influence principles.

Speaker: Merrily Madero

Venue: TBA

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

One of the key skills that multinational employers in Viet Nam look for is critical thinking skills. What is ‘critical thinking’ skill? How can one do it better? In what types of jobs or situations is it important? This class will teach, model and provide practical training to help students develop and hone their critical thinking skills. We will use case studies and challenging examples to allow students to practice critical thinking in simulated situations.

Speaker: Chad Gauger

Venue: TBA

Terry McHugh 

Interviewing Skills

As you near the end of your university education, it is now time to prepare for the career stage of life.  Securing employment typically requires a series of interviews with prospective employers.  How best to prepare for this rite of passage into your professional life? We will discuss some of the basic yet simple mistakes to avoid in an interview. Then we go deeper about some of the specific expectations that a western interviewer will have as well as typical questions. The course includes some “hands-on” practice for you as a potential candidate for a position. The first half of this class will be an introduction to the interviewing process and then the second half will be on interview preparation and goals. Students will conduct mock interviews to practice the skills presented.

Speaker: James Kang, Terry McHugh

Venue: TBA