Hanover-Horton Music Program


Welcome to the Comet Music Program!

Hanover-Horton Music Program

The Hanover-Horton Music Program consists of 5th Grade Band, 6-8th Grade Band & Choir, High School Band & Choir, and Jazz Band.

Below is our schedule as well as our Remind Messaging Sign-up so you can stay informed and up-to-date on upcoming events.

Music Program Announcements 

Important Upcoming Dates

Football Game Schedule - See High School Band Page

Marching Band Festival - October 19th (Rain Date TBA)

High School Band, Jazz Band, and Choir Winter Concert Dec. 10th 7 pm HS Gym

Winter Concert - MS Band, MS Choir, 5th Grade Band - December 19th 6 pm HS Gym

HS Solo and Ensemble - February 1st - See High School Band page for schedule

District Jazz Festival February 4th - Mason High School

Feb. 27-March 1st District Band and Orchestra Festival 1st Week Option

March 6-8 District Band and Orchestra Festival - 2nd Week Option

March 15th State HS Solo and Ensemble

HS & MS Choir Adrian College & Broadway Trip - TBD

Thornapple Jazz Festival - Jazz Band & HS Choir April TBD

High School Band - please see the high school band page for Pep Band Dates

Spring Concert - Thursday May 15th (date will be moved due to 7th Grade Mackinaw Trip that same day - update coming soon)

6 pm 5th Grade & MS Band/Choir, 7 pm High School Band, Choir, Jazz Band

Have you signed up for your class remind?

Text the following codes (“@...”) to 81010

Or use the code to sign up via the Remind App

Beginning Band (2023-2024): @5band23

HS Band: @hhmarching

HS Choir: @gdg899

Jazz Band: @HHJazz

MS Choir: @hkbfb2

MS Band: kfkd67b

Contact Info

Mr. Bryan Akers

Office: 867-6489
