Hanover-Horton Music Program
Welcome to the Comet Music Program!
Hanover-Horton Music Program
The Hanover-Horton Music Program consists of 5th Grade Band, 6-8th Grade Band & Choir, High School Band & Choir, and Jazz Band.
Below is our schedule as well as our Remind Messaging Sign-up so you can stay informed and up-to-date on upcoming events.
Music Program Announcements
District 8 Honors Band – March 18th
On March 18th, five of our high school band students will travel to Grass Lake High School to represent Hanover-Horton High School in the District 8 Honors Band. These students earned their spots through a rigorous application and audition process. Representing Hanover-Horton will be:Noah DeKamp – Saxophone
Warren Cherry – Trumpet
Colton Davis – Flute
Chloe Akers – Trombone
Jason Gwaltney – Trombone
We are incredibly proud of these students for their dedication and achievement!
District 8 MSBOA Solo & Ensemble – February 1st
Last Saturday, 13 of our band students participated in the District 8 MSBOA Solo & Ensemble Festival in Haslett. We are excited to announce that four of our events have qualified for the State Solo & Ensemble Festival, which will be held in Chelsea on March 15th. The following students will be advancing to the state level, either as soloists, as part of an ensemble, or both:Warren Cherry
Chloe Akers
Delainey Cottrell
Vivian Foote
Ella Bulgrien
Sydney Waffle
Rene Rodriguez
Congratulations to all who participated!
MSBOA Jazz Festival – February 4th
On Tuesday, our High School Jazz Band participated in the MSBOA Jazz Festival in Mason. During the event, students had the opportunity to:Perform and receive adjudicated feedback
Watch performances from other Jackson and Lansing area jazz bands
Enjoy a featured performance by the MSU Jazz Octet
Participate in a 20-minute clinic with a faculty member from MSU Jazz Faculty
It was a fantastic experience for our students, offering valuable learning opportunities and exposure to outstanding jazz musicians!
1st Annual Music Program Mattress Fundraiser – February 4th
Last Sunday, we held our 1st Annual Music Program Mattress Fundraiser, and it was a tremendous success! Thanks to the support of our students, families, and community, we sold 44 mattresses, raising a total of $8,500. Funds will be distributed as follows:$1,850 applied to individual student trip accounts
$6,650 added to the Uniform Fund
We sincerely appreciate everyone who helped spread the word and contributed to making this event a success!
Important Upcoming Dates
Football Game Schedule - See High School Band Page
Marching Band Festival - October 19th (Rain Date TBA)
High School Band, Jazz Band, and Choir Winter Concert Dec. 10th 7 pm HS Gym
Winter Concert - MS Band, MS Choir, 5th Grade Band - December 19th 6 pm HS Gym
HS Solo and Ensemble - February 1st - See High School Band page for schedule
District Jazz Festival February 4th - Mason High School
Feb. 27-March 1st District Band and Orchestra Festival 1st Week Option
March 6-8 District Band and Orchestra Festival - 2nd Week Option
March 15th State HS Solo and Ensemble
HS & MS Choir Adrian College & Broadway Trip - TBD
Thornapple Jazz Festival - Jazz Band & HS Choir April TBD
High School Band - please see the high school band page for Pep Band Dates
Spring Concert - Thursday May 15th (date will be moved due to 7th Grade Mackinaw Trip that same day - update coming soon)
6 pm 5th Grade & MS Band/Choir, 7 pm High School Band, Choir, Jazz Band
Contact Info
Mr. Bryan Akers
Office: 867-6489