Mrs. lehrman's Class

Week 38


I can't believe it is the last week of school! It has been a blessing to be your child's teacher this year. It was a joy to work with each of your students. I am so proud of the growth each and every second grader has made this year. Thank you for your partnership and support from home this year. I hope you all have a wonderful summer break!!

On Monday, please have your child bring a disposable plastic water bottle and a pair of sunglasses. We will be using these for a fun science experiment! 

On Tuesday, the second grade classes will be getting together for a fun afternoon of games. Your child may bring a favorite card game or board game to play with their classmates.

On Wednesday, please have your child bring two disposable bags to bring home their school supplies and projects in. We will be sending things home on Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you!

On Friday, please join us for the all school assembly at 9:00am in the gym. Remember to send your child in their water clothes for the Summer Fun Party! They do not need their backpacks on Friday. See the flyer that was sent home for more information about the party.  

Peek at OUr Week


There will be no homework this week. 

Summer Challenge

Please help your student avoid the "summer slide" by helping your child find time to read and explore fun ways to practice writing and math facts over the summer.