Hancock Handlebars Bicycle Club
The Hancock Handlebars Bicycle Club has discontinued all activities and permanently closed. (12/31/20)
All remaining funds have been donated to the Hancock Parks Bicycling Fund which is maintained by the Findlay Hancock County Community Foundation.
The Hancock Parks Bicycling Fund was established in 2006 by former HHBC President and HHH Tour Director Mick Gould to support the construction and maintenance of bicycle trails in Hancock County, bicycle safety classes, and bicycle recreation programs as determined by the Hancock Parks Foundation.
Anyone wishing to make additional supporting donations can do so at https://www.community-foundation.com/funds/hancock-parks-bicycling-fund or at https://hancockparks.com/about/hancock-parks-foundation/.
Thank You to everyone that has participated, supported and enjoyed being a part of the club for over 50 years.
Upcoming Area Tours
/ Fitness Activities
Ride to Remember, Bluffton, OH
Rally Point River Ride, Lima, OH​
Interesting Articles, Websites, Club Websites, Club Photo Albums
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Learn about and follow the Van Buren State Park Mountain Biking Trails on Facebook at VanBurenMTB