Choir Contract

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome back to school for the 2018-2019 academic year! This handbook has been written to provide you with a detailed description of the choral music program at Jones Magnet Middle School. Parents, please take the time to review this handbook with your child. Once you have reviewed the handbook together, I ask that parent and child both complete and electronically sign the contract located on the class webpage. I will be happy to furnish you with a paper copy if you would like one.

The choral program at Jones Magnet Middle School will provide students with a challenging and rewarding experience in music performance. In addition to learning vocal health and technique, students will learn valuable lifetime skills such as discipline, responsibility, and teamwork. During daily classroom activities, students will be introduced to musical concepts that will need to be studied and rehearsed. Students will learn how to read and write musical notation, and they will learn how music evolved throughout history. Music checks will take place, and will measure progress being made on the songs we are preparing to perform. Students should develop a regular practice routine at home, as consistent independent practice can only help with preparedness for music checks and concerts.

By participating in the choral music program at Jones Middle School, your child will gain a long-term appreciation for the value of music and a set of skills that will bring a lifetime of reward and enjoyment.


Ms. Melissa Tussing,

Choral Director

2018-2019 Jones Magnet MS Chorus Handbook

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Chorus


Students are graded by their diligent effort, mastery of work, and daily rehearsal participation through regular attendance and punctuality.

Students in Chorus will be graded on:

Classwork and Homework - 30%

This includes: positive class participation, prepared and on time for class, classwork, homework, written quizzes, and tests.

Individual Skill Development and Practice - 30%

This includes: skill development through home practice (with focus on breathing technique, tone and vowel production, and part learning), music journals, and music checks.

Projects, Rehearsals, & Performances - 40%

This includes: create and perform individual and group projects, singing tests, music pass-offs, rehearsal attendance, rehearsal attentiveness, and performances.

*Before or after school rehearsals and performances are required and graded. Please see Hampton City Schools curriculum guide.


An absence from a performance may be excused under the following circumstances. HOWEVER, a make-up performance will be scheduled.

Critical Conflict - This is considered to be another school activity that is scheduled at the same time on the same date. The student should report the conflict to Ms. Tussing as soon as it is discovered.

*Please keep in mind that Chorus is a graded subject and not an extracurricular activity.

Sick and Unable to Attend - You need to get a message to Ms. Tussing prior to the performance. Do not wait until the next day to explain the absence.

Emergency - The student should contact Ms. Tussing before school the very next morning. A note, phone call, or email from the parent/guardian should also follow the missed performance. The absence may or may not be excused depending upon the seriousness of the emergency. Do not delay in making contact!

**Transportation issues are not considered an emergency. Plan ahead!


Students are expected to be in their seats, with their music, required materials, and a pencil before class begins. Students should consider their music and worksheets as their textbooks and are responsible for the condition and return of all music issued.

A pencil must be kept in your chorus binder! This will be part of your music check grade!

WE (students and director) will make every effort to start rehearsals promptly. Since class time is limited, PLEASE BE IN YOUR SEATS WITH YOUR MUSIC BINDER AND A PENCIL, READY TO START WHEN CLASS STARTS. Remember, our main purpose is to learn and perform!


  1. All school district policies will be followed.
  2. Upon entering the choir room, read the board.​
    1. Students are responsible for:
    2. Lesson objectives and announcements.
    3. Music binder and materials required for the day.
    4. Be in your seat and ready BEFORE the class starts.
    5. Respect yourself, others, and our music materials.
    6. No gum, food, or drink other than water.
  3. Please stay away from off-limit areas: piano, Ms. Tussing's desk and computer.
  4. Proper singing posture is required at all times, sitting or standing. We will review this the first week of class.
  5. Give your full attention when someone is speaking.


  1. The student is warned.
  2. The student will lose participation points and be asked to complete an apology form that will require a parents' signature.
  3. Parent contact in the form of a phone call, email, or letter home is made.
  4. The student receives a referral slip that will be filed in the office and parent contact will again be made.
  5. Repeated problems or serious offense - the student is sent immediately to the office.


  1. Black pants (not denim) or skirts to the knee.
  2. Black socks, tights, or pantyhose.
  3. Black shoes (Ladies may wear heels, but remember you are standing for a very long time!
  4. Chorus Polos! Students are required to purchase one. The order form is on the chorus webpage.


  1. 1-inch black binder with pockets.
  2. Notebook paper for notes and assignments.
  3. Pencil - every day! NO pens!
  4. Highlighter
  5. Chrome Book (kept under chair unless being used as directed!)
  6. School Agenda
  7. Hand Sanitizer (optional)
  8. Tissues (optional)
  9. Clorox Wipes (optional)