Videos & Webcasts


Are you ready to initiate inclusion in your school or division? Watch the inspiring videos below to hear from some of the field's leading experts in meaningful inclusion.

How to Move a County to Inclusion

Cyndi Pitonyak describes the creative process Montgomery County Public Schools in Southwestern Virginia used to initiate inclusion for students with disabilities in the 90s (20:25).

Inclusion: What does it mean and who is it for?

Cyndi Pitonyak describes research and meaningful supports for students with disabilities in the inclusive school community (43:22).

Inclusion: How do we make it meaningful?

Cyndi Pitonyak provides information on how to include students with significant disabilities (54:36).

Disabling Segregation

Dan Habib shares valuable information on eliminating segregation of students with disabilities (17:58).

Educating Peter

View the trailer of inclusion for the first time in Montgomery County, Virginia. (0:32) Click here to watch he documentary (30:35).

Graduating Peter

The first student with a disability who was fully included in Montgomery County, Virginia graduates high school. (1:14:17).