Pre-ETS and Interagency Collaboration For all Ages

Local Links and Resources

Virginia Specific Links:

 Protection & Advocacy Organization

The Virginia state disability protection and advocacy (P&A) agency is the disABILITY Law Center of Virginia (dLCV). dLVC is part of the nation's federally-funded P&A system. It provides help to people with disabilities in Virginia to expand and defend their rights, including supporting self-advocacy groups and legal assistance. dLVC is part of the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN).

 Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC)

ADRCs are the main points of access for long-term supports and services for older adults and people with disabilities, including home health care and assistive technology.

Legal Services Organizations 

These organizations provide free legal assistance for low-income individuals, including help with accessing Social Security and Medicaid benefits.

Other Disability Advocacy Organizations

These organizations protect and advocate for the civil and human rights of people with disabilities.

State Medicaid Agency

Learn about and apply for Medicaid services in Virginia.

Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) helps remove barriers to independent living for people with disabilities and works to increase necessary supports and services. It is part of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL).

Other State and Non-Profit Agencies

These agencies provide help for people with disabilities and their families and caregivers. Disability services are often free or low-cost.

Crisis Services

Crisis intervention and counseling for people who are in need of immediate help or need someone to talk to. If you or a loved one is experiencing emotional distress, these agencies are ready to offer free and confidential help. Common concerns include but are not limited to mental illness, suicide, intellectual or developmental disability, physical disability, substance abuse, grief, sexual assault, and family violence.

Services for Senior Citizens

Free or low-cost resources and disability services for senior citizens and their loved ones to promote successful community living. 

Regional Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Center

Provides information, training, and guidance on disability access and Virginia disability services. One of 10 regional centers in the ADA National Network.

Developmental Disabilities Services

These agencies address the specific needs of people with developmental disabilities. They advocate for community inclusion and access to Virginia disability services.

Mental Health Services

These agencies address the specific needs of people with mental illness and promote mental health. Some agencies offer free or low-cost group counseling and education programs.

Physical Disabilities Services

Free or low-cost Virginia disability services for people of all ages, including physical therapy, access to employment and education, support for independent living, and assistive technology. 

Traumatic Brain Injury Services

Information and resources for individuals with traumatic brain injuries and their loved ones.

Addiction and Substance Abuse Services

Information and resources for people with substance abuse and their loved ones.

Low-Income Housing Services

Information and tools for locating affordable housing and access to public housing.

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