Google Calendar: Don't miss another event with this amazing organization and time management tool. Quickly schedule meetings and events as well as get reminders about upcoming activities that can be shared amongst teams.

Google Classroom: a streamlined, easy-to-use tool that helps teachers manage coursework. With Classroom, educators can create classes, distribute assignments, grade and send feedback, and see everything in one place.

Google Docs: Share and collaborate with this online word processing tool that allows real-time modifications and useful collaboration features.

Google Forms: Create a new survey and edit it with others at the same time. Choose from a variety of pre-made themes or create your own.

Google Sites: Create a webpage for the class where to include course materials and rich content including videos, images, slides, and audio recordings. Use it for posting homework, assignments, and class events.

Google Slides: A digital presentation application integrated right into your Drive. Use Add-ons such as Pear Deck for ultimate engagement in your lessons.

Google Jamboard: A digital whiteboard that offers a collaborative experience for teams and classrooms. You can create a Jam, edit it from your device, and share it with other. Everybody can collaborate on the Jam anytime, anywhere.