
Dear HCSS Parents and Students,

Given the evolving data regarding cases of COVID-19, the Governor has ordered a three-week suspension of school operations for educational purposes at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth, beginning Tuesday, March 17 and continuing until Tuesday, April 7. As we approach April 6, we will provide additional guidance.

While all HCSS buildings are closed, we will continue providing education in alternative ways. In this direction, we are moving from the four walls of the classroom environment to the Cloud (online learning) platform beginning on Tuesday, March 17and will begin HCSS Virtual School. The idea of online instruction is not new to our faculty but moving instruction fully online is a journey that we will all navigate together. I am asking all parents and students to work together on this as a Team!

Classroom to Cloud - HCSS Virtual School(Online Education)

In these three weeks, HCSS students will continue receiving education through our HCSS Virtual School. HCSS will utilize its in-place infrastructure to deliver online instruction. All of our students have access to Chromebooks, and our teachers are using technologies that we will employ for distance learning. Our IT department will be available in school on Wednesdays between 12:00pm and 2:00 pm to help with Chromebook issues.

Google Classroom is the main platform where teachers will post assignments and follow student work. For the next three weeks, students will only receive assignments for core classes: ELA, math, science, and social studies. Teachers will post a recorded video and an assignment for these courses everyday. Other technologies, such as Nearpod, EdPuzzle, Kahoot, Quizzes, Online Discussions etc., will be used as necessary to promote higher order thinking skills.

Teachers will be available for 30-minute live sessions via Zoom to answer questions and provide support for students between 10 am and 12 pm for core courses. Additionally, AP teachers, special services and ELL teachers will also have a live session between 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm during weekdays.

Please see the link below for the live session schedule and teachers’ Zoom links:

HCSS East Live Session Schedule and Zoom Links

HCSS West Live Session Schedule and Zoom Links

(To view the google sheets, you will need an email address with Hampden Charter account)

School Building Hours for Students to pick up their medications

HCSS School Nurse will be available in school on Wednesday between 4 pm and 6 pm for students who need to pick up their medications.

Food Availability Resources

Springfield emergency meal centers are open 11-1:00pm to anyone 18 years or under and include free breakfast and bagged lunch at the following schools: Lincoln, Liberty, Bowles, Commerce, Rebecca Johnson, Kensington, Washington, IOE, Warner, Dorman, Glickman and Talmadge Monday-Friday.

Holyoke emergency meal centers are open 8:30-12:30pm to anyone 18 years or under and includes free pick up breakfast and lunch at the front doors of ANY of the following schools: Donahue, Holyoke High School North, Kelly, Lawrence, and Sullivan schools Monday-Friday.

If you live outside one of these communities and your child does not have access to breakfast or lunch, please fill out our Food Emergency Survey. We will do our best to help you during this time.

As always, we appreciate our community’s support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. As you know, we are the greatest influence on our children’s reactions to these types of events. As a result, let’s remain calm, respectful, empathetic, and inclusive while advocating for ourselves and others.

I want to close by sharing how grateful I am to each and every one of you as we will overcome this challenging situation together.


Tarkan Topcuoglu
