Supporting Behavior at Home

Self Management

Self-management strategies are shown to be effective ways to teach or grow the independence of skills in monitoring and managing one’s own behavior.

Self-Management: Tip Sheet

Settng Expectations

Expectations are the behaviors we expect from another person. Oftentimes our expectations are not communicated clearly to those around us, which can lead to miscommunication and frustration. Setting expectations means that you have decided on the expectations and have communicated them clearly to the other person. Setting clear expectations, then teaching and reinforcing them, will increase the likelihood of better outcomes for your child while learning in the home environment.

Setting Expectations: Tip Sheet

Choosing Reinforcers

Deciding on what to use for reinforcement can be very challenging. Some children have many likes, while others have very few. A child can like something but not be willing to complete a task in order to receive it. Choosing the right objects, activities, or social interactions will provide you with options for reinforcing desired behaviors.

Choosing Reinforcers: Tip Sheet

Setting up the Environment for Learning

Teachers plan their classrooms to meet the needs of their students. Each child is taken into consideration when arranging the classroom environment to support student engagement. Most home environments are not set up like classrooms. By making a few adjustments, and using what you have available, you can set up a space at home that promotes engagement in learning.

Setting up the Environment: Tip Sheet

Building a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is believing that your abilities are cultivated through effort. With a growth mindset, students continually work to improve their skills and view mistakes as opportunities to learn. They are resilient learners, continuing to try, even when facing great challenges.Through the use of encouraging affirmations and positive quotations, negative thought patterns can evolve into positive ones.

Growth Mindset: Tip Sheet

Regulating Emotions

Emotions impact attention, memory, creativity, performance, and learning. Emotional regulation strategies help to prevent, reduce, or maintain emotions in order to promote well-being and positive learning experiences.

Regulating Emotions: Tip Sheet