Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act


Registration and Records


What is FERPA?

FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (sometimes called the Buckley Amendment). Please review Hamline's full FERPA policy, under Academic Standards and Policies in the Bulletin.

Passed by Congress in 1974, the act grants four specific rights to the student:

  • The right to see the information that the institution is keeping about them (their education record)

  • The right to request an amendment to their education record

  • The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information from their education record

  • The right to file a complaint with the FERPA compliance office in Washington, DC

To be allowed access to student records, you must carefully review the material presented here. Maintaining confidentiality of student records is everyone's responsibility, whether you are faculty, staff, or student.

The Basic Rules

  • Student education records are considered confidential and may not be released without the written consent of the student.

  • As a faculty or staff member you have a responsibility to protect education records in your possession.

  • Some information is considered public (sometimes called "Directory Information"). Under the terms of FERPA, Hamline University has established these items as Directory Information, which may be released to those requesting it, unless the student specifically requests otherwise by completing a “nondisclosure form” with the Registrar.

  • You have access to information only for legitimate use in completion of your responsibilities as a university employee. "Need-to-know" is the basic principle.

  • If you are ever in doubt, do not release any information until you contact Registration and Records ( or 651-523-2804). The Registration and Records office is responsible for student record information.

What Is a Student Education Record?

Just about any information provided by a student to the university for use in the educational process is considered a student education record, including:

  • Personal information

  • Enrollment records

  • Grades

  • Class schedules

The storage media in which you find this information does not matter. Student education record may be contained in the following media:

  • Electronic or paper documents stored by the registrar's office

  • Computer printouts in your office

  • Class lists on your desktop

  • Computer display screens

  • Notes you have taken during an advising session

What is Directory Information?

Under the terms of FERPA, Hamline University has established the following items as Directory Information, which may be released to those requesting it, unless the student specifically requests otherwise by filing a nondisclosure form with the Registrar.

    • Student name

    • Address

    • Email address

    • Telephone number

    • Date and place of birth

    • Dates of attendance

    • Class standing

    • Enrollment status (full-time, part-time, not enrolled)

    • Major and minor fields of study

    • Degrees, honors, and awards received (including dates)

    • Anticipated date of graduation and anticipated degree(s)

    • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities

    • Physical factors (height and weight) of members of athletic teams

    • Photographs taken and maintained by the university

    • Previous institutions attended

Special “Don'ts” for Faculty

To avoid violating FERPA rules, do not at any time:

  • Post grades using any part of a student's social security number or ID number

  • Leave stacked graded papers for students to pick up, not even in sealed envelopes (unless you have the student's permission to do so!) - instead, mail graded papers/exams via campus or U.S. mail in envelopes that students pre-address, pre-stamp, and provide for you

  • Circulate a printed class list for attendance purposes if it shows names and IDs

  • Allow students to view, read, or record another student's personal information while in your work area

  • Discuss student progress with anyone other than the student without the student's consent (this includes the student's parents and spouse!)

  • Provide anyone with a student's schedule or help anyone other than university employees find a student on campus (Public Safety will assist -- call x2100)

Special “Do’s” for Faculty

  • Make sure you protect all education records in your possession, including paper documents in your office, class lists, display screen data, and advising notes

  • Store all student information out of sight, preferably in a locked cabinet or drawer when not in use

These are practical tools that you need to do your job; however, they should be protected like you would protect your wallet, credit cards, and SSN.

Additional Information

More information is available on the U.S. Department of Education FERPA website and Hamline's FERPA policy, under Academic Standards and Policies in the Bulletin.

Contact Information

East Hall, first floor


Hamline University, Registration and Records
1536 Hewitt Avenue, MS-A1750
Saint Paul, MN 55104

This site is affiliated with Hamline University but maintained and updated by Hamline faculty, students, or staff and is not part of the official Hamline University website.

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1536 Hewitt Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284


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