Mr. Bryz's Office

Welcome Hess Families!

Our world may seem in disarray from all that we take in from the world around us and within our homes. What we once knew as our normal is now different and presents new challenges, although these challenges are to be temporary. But, it is through our many blessings in these hard times that allow us to focus on different areas of our lives through new perspectives.
I am here to help you where and when I can even though I cannot physically interact with my families. Please never hesitate to email me or call my office line.

Mr. Bryz Contact Info:

Hess Office: 609-476-6118


My Office is now Backwards Compatible!

Just like it was before. Counseling hasn't changed, its just gone virtual.

*As of 5/3/21, with parental permission, counseling is in-person, observing social distance and face covering procedures.

take the "t" out of can't

You CAN do it!

Need resources/ Information?

Click Here for our HTSD Mental Health Initiative Website