Welcome Back, Cougars!!  We have missed you


Use THIS LINK to sign up for the Fit Families 5k on May 4th

Information will be given to Wauka Running Club members, but anyone can sign up for the event

Thank you, Wauka Community!

We had a very successful WaukaThon, and the kids and teachers seemed to have a blast!

Thanks to your generosity and effort, we are confident we met our school fundraising goal for this year

Want to support North Hall Football?

Use the QR code to visit their spirit wear shop to get the latest North Hall gear.  

The deadline for ordering is 4/14/2024

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Today is Solar Eclipse day

Reminder we will be having a normal school day and regular dismissal times today

Reminder for the car rider line that at the merge, where 2 lanes come to 1, please alternate and take turns letting other cars in.

Wauka Mountain Academy is excited for RUNNING CLUB to start at the end of this month for 4th and 5th graders only.  The club will meet after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:30.  

Parents must be able to pick up students after club practices.  

Participants will be able to participate in the Fit Families 5k in May.

Email nicole.johnson@hallco.org 

for more information

FCA beginning at Wauka 

This is available fir current Wauka Mountain 4th and 5th grade students

See the flier for details

contact nicole.johnson@hallco.org for questions

Meeting dates are:


-10/4, 10/25

-11/8, 11/29


-1/10, 1/24

-2/7, 2/28

-3/13, 3/27

-4/10, 4/24


  You can follow Wauka Mountain Academy (@waukamountain) or Principal Dean DeVito (@mr.d_devito) on Instagram to stay current with all things Wauka.  

You can also follow Assistant Principal Shasta Gundlach on Twitter/X @shasgundlach


Come enjoy lunch with your student at Wauka Mountain!!

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your student's lunch time to allow time to check in at the office

Details and Sign-up link below

Beginning on 9/5 we are excited to be able to welcome family members to eat lunch with their student on select days.  We ask that the following guidelines are observed:

Lunch & Snack Note - Please do not send your students with carbonated sodas for snack or in their lunchboxes.  Sugary or caffeinated beverages are strongly discouraged

Car Rider Drop off

Unless you have received prior approval from Wauka Mountain administration, please do not drop off your student in the bus lane or in front of the school.  

Car riders will enter campus from HWY 52 to Dinnan Drive, and follow the road around the field to the drop off area (Yellow highlight in the picture).  

After 7:45, or when checking a tardy student in, please use the front office entrance.

Students need to be in the building by 7:45 to avoid being marked tardy

The "Wauka Way"

Teachers and students are working hard together to establish and practice the "Wauka Way."  These are clear and common expectations for all students as they go throughout their day!

Want to help Wauka's Culinary students?  You can use THIS LINK to view directions to link your Kroger Plus card account to support our Culinary program at NO cost to you.  This is an Easy way is to link your Kroger card to Wauka Mountain, and our culinary program will receive a percentage of the total purchase.  These funds will go directly to our Culinary class for items needed for recipes!!  Thank you for your support of our unique programs at Wauka Mountain.


To send an anonymous tip of a text or photo please send text to 678-865-6282.

To submit an anonymous tip over a phone line call 770-503-3232, or call your school principal.

For immediate threats please call 911 or complete the form below.


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Transportation Info - Bus tracking App available

RIDE 360

The Ride 360 bus locator app is ready!!  More information can be found HERE  

or at the "Ride 360" button above

**** You must have a correct address in Infinite Campus

**** You must have your child's student ID and date of birth to access the app

email: bushelp@hallco.org  if you have issues