Holistic & Simple Approaches

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Yeah, but why?  Have you ever heard if you chew the same flavor gum when you study and again when you take the test that it can improve memory? These muscle memory sensory connections can be used to help us get motivated, to sleep at night, and to reduce anxiety. Familiarity creates comfort. Comfort reduces anxiety.

Ex. Maybe always drinking a hot cup of tea before bed, doing a specific fash wash, stretches, etc. Your brain and body will associate it with sleep and begin to slow your system down in preparation  

Ex. You have enough on your plate, instead of adding to it, just rearrange it to make it more edible. Set your day to be the same each day, so there is some muscle memory and anxiety relief. You don't have to wake up at the same time every day, but right when you wakes up maybe make your bed, brush your teeth, eat, and sign in to class..  

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Physical Release



Other Relaxers Some may require purchase, others may be free!