Is My Child Eligible for OT in School?

Parents often ask how they can get school based OT for their child, here is an excerpt from the AOTA regarding eligibility for school based services, as well as a few links to their website.

How Do I Get OT for My Child?

Occupational therapy (OT) is a related service under Part B of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and is provided to help a student with a disability to benefit from special education. As such, OT is a supportive service. If your child has a disability, as defined by IDEA, and needs special education and related services to meet unique learning needs, then he/she might be eligible for OT services. Your child must be eligible for special education before being considered for OT services in the schools under IDEA. Eligibility for special education does not mean automatic eligibility for related services, including OT. The final determination is made by the multidisciplinary team in concert with the formal OT evaluation.

To visit the following AOTA links for more information, click below.